Workforce and Workplace

Your workforce is in many cases one of the most costly elements of running your business. But are you getting the best out of your employees? Have you engaged your employees in the company’s objectives? Involving employees in the growth of your business can mean they will become more engaged and work harder to achieve your goals.

Where do you start?

  • Think about the skills you need in your business, now and in the future.
  • Talk to your staff about the skills they have and those they would like to develop.
  • Where off the job training is relevant and valuable, see how you can help trainees both to accommodate their workload and to focus on their learning.
  • Consider the elements that can make your business a great place to work; for example flexible working hours, employee benefits such as pension contributions or discount cards.
  • Have you considered a diverse work force? How would you support employees who have a diversity of needs?
  • Would you offer a graduate an internship? Or would you offer an apprenticeship?
  • Would you consider setting up a volunteer scheme? This can be skills based or supporting a particular cause. Not only this will benefit the community but can make your staff feel involved and motivated.

Benefits to your business:

  • By helping people gain new skills they will feel more valued and increase their overall contribution to your business.
  • You will encourage them to work ‘smarter’ and more cost-effectively. A trained, engaged and motivated workforce will result in less absenteeism, reduced staff turnover and more productivity.
  • Employees will not want to leave and high calibre people will want to work for you.
  • Offering an apprenticeship or internship can help reduce recruitment costs, and also offer an opportunity for a young person. There are a number of organisations that can help you with recruitment and provide valuable support: Edinburgh Guarantee, Apprenticeships in Scotland,  Adopt an Intern, and Volunteer Scotland.