Reacting to the UK’s ratification of the deal to join the Comprehensive and Progressive agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), William Bain, Head of Trade Policy at the BCC, said: 


There are few multi-national trade agreements like this one. The UK’s addition to this bloc will open up new opportunities for both inward and outward investment.   


“Trade rules will be more favourable for manufacturers looking to sell products to other member countries and data transfers for firms in the services sector will also be more straightforward.   


“Crucially, it will also give the UK a say in the bloc’s future development, making it a deal that will work for our traders both now and in the future.” 


Chambers in the BCC’s international network also hailed this latest step forward. 


British Chamber of Commerce Singapore Executive Director, David Kelly, said: 


“We see today’s announced progress towards the UK joining CPTPP as a positive step in the right direction. Being ‘on the ground’, we see every day how vibrant and alive with opportunity the British business community is within Southeast Asia, and we look forward to championing the UK’s interests alongside our colleagues throughout the CPTPP trading bloc.”  


British Chamber of Commerce in Japan Executive Director, Sarah Backley, said: 


“The UK’s ratification of the CPTPP signifies an important achievement for the business world, presenting a valuable opportunity for the UK, Japan, and the other 11 member countries to come together in setting the benchmarks for global trade standards. We look forward to the avenues for fresh opportunities and collaborations this will unlock, paving the way for enhanced economic partnerships and growth opportunities for our members in the UK-Japan, and wider regional ecosystem. 


Australian British Chamber of Commerce CEO, Ticky Fullerton, said: 


“Our Chamber welcomes news of the UK’s ratification of the CPTPP. With its respected position in global affairs, the UK is a valuable addition to this very important partnership in our region. We look forward to the strengthening ties of CPTPP members in trade, investment and in regional security.” 


British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce CEO, Jennifer Lopez, said: 


“The ratification of the CPTPP is a pivotal milestone as it symbolises the first free trade agreement between the UK and Malaysia. This historic agreement not only fosters trade liberalisation but also offers expanded market access, boosts to GDP, and strategic influence, particularly benefiting sectors such as services and digital trade for both British and Malaysian enterprises. This also promises enhanced options and affordability for consumers and businesses alike, heralding a new era of economic dynamism and collaboration.” 


British New Zealand Business Association President, Phil Wood, said:  


“The Parliamentary ratification of the UK joining CPTPP is another major step towards deepening the UK’s access to a group of countries that represent one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing free trade areas in the world. We look forward to helping businesses take advantage of the Agreement’s entry into force later this year.” 

Residents have been asked to share their views on what the key priorities are for housing in Edinburgh.

The local housing strategy will set out the vision for all types of homes and housing related services in the city for at least the next five years. It will consider the challenges and opportunities in Edinburgh and will help shape plans and investment.

The strategy will include an action plan which will be monitored through annual reports to the Council’s Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee.

The survey, which is open to everyone, will be live for six weeks. Available to take part in online, the results will be used to shape Edinburgh’s Local Housing Strategy which is expected to be complete by May 2025. A draft will be published towards the end of 2024 for further consultation and feedback.

Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener, Councillor Jane Meagher, said:

“There are enormous pressures on housing in Edinburgh right now. We’re a growing city and we face challenges like nowhere else in Scotland, with the lowest proportion of social housing and the largest, most expensive, private rented sector.

“It has been six and a half months since we declared Edinburgh’s housing emergency and in that time our funding from the Scottish Government has been slashed and homelessness has risen. However, I welcome their decision to follow our lead and declare a housing emergency on a Scotland-wide scale.

“Hopefully this decision signals a rethink on a better housing system that works for everyone, which is why it’s never been more important to have a strong housing strategy. We want to make sure as many people as possible have the opportunity to share their views, so I’d urge everyone to visit our website and share their priorities for housing in our city.”

The consultation closes on 14 June. Find out more and share your views here.

Heriot-Watt scientists are part of a £13 million project funded by the UKRI Engineering Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to advance sustainable manufacturing. 

Heriot-Watt’s Ultrafast Optics Group will receive £1 million through the new Future Advanced Metrology Hub for Sustainable Manufacturing, led by the University of Huddersfield. 

The hub will focus on the potential for metrology, the science of measurement, to enable net-zero manufacturing. 

Laser measurement for sustainable manufacturing 

Professor Derryck Reid, head of the Ultrafast Optics Group, said: “Metrology is a crucial tool for enhancing manufacturing’s sustainability. It underpins the constant drive for accuracy, speed, reduced waste, reduced energy usage and enhanced product quality. 

“We’ll be working with the Huddersfield-led hub to advance our existing femtosecond LiDAR technology, which can measure distances with unprecedented accuracy. 

“In contrast to conventional LiDAR, which achieves a few centimetres of resolution, our approach has a precision of around one ten-thousandth of a millimetre.

“In the manufacture of high-value products, a product might start life as an inexpensive metal block before progressing through several stages of precision machining, each adding more value.  

“The cost of machining errors becomes greater at each stage, but their likelihood can be reduced by better metrology tools such as those we are developing, reducing waste and moving us closer to fully sustainable manufacturing.” 

Critical mass for groundbreaking technologies 

Professor Dame Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang from the University of Huddersfield is an expert in precision metrology and will lead the new hub. 

Professor Jiang said: “This new hub brings together a consortium of world-leading experts in metrology to address the significant challenges the manufacturing sector faces in meeting net zero goals. 

“The critical mass funding support from EPSRC is a reflection of the consortium’s research strength and capacity to deliver groundbreakingly new technologies.”

The EPSRC, part of UK Research and Innovation, is funding the hub under its Manufacturing Research Hubs for a Sustainable Future initiative, announcing five with a total of £55m this week – all focusing on different disciplines. 

Professor Charlotte Deane, executive chair of the ESPRC, said: “Given the scale and importance of the UK’s manufacturing sector we must ensure that it is able to benefit fully from advances made across the research and innovation ecosystem.

“With their focus on innovation and sustainability, the advances made by the hubs will benefit specific sectors, the wider manufacturing sector and economy, as well the environment.”

More than 25 industrial partners, including Renishaw, Machine Tool Technologies (MTT), Taylor Hobson, Cummins and Siemens, are also a key part of the project.

– RHASS Mighty Munro Muster will see all 282 Munros conquered within the same 24-hour window 

Scotland’s leading agricultural charity, RHASS (Royal Highland & Agricultural Society of Scotland), seeks avid adventurers to participate in an ambitious, and worthy fundraising feat.  

Taking place on 21 September 2024, the challenge will involve a group of no less than 600 individuals split into teams of two or more, collectively ascending all 282 Munros within the same 24-hour window. 

To succeed, each team is required to reach the summit of their selected Munro and return safely back down before the 24 hours is up, all while raising money for RHASS-funded projects aimed at those living and working in rural Scotland, safeguarding the rights of landowners, and preserving access to Scotland’s breath-taking landscapes.  

The challenge is part of the society’s 240th anniversary year. Other activities include a year-long audio and visual storytelling project, 240 Years of Stories, to contribute towards the legacy of Scotland’s agricultural and rural community, and a series of Harvest Thanksgiving services will also take place.  

RHASS will work with a range of partners to support participants in the run-up to the event, providing safety advice, training programmes, and guidance to ensure everyone is well equipped to take on the challenge. 

Various resources will also be provided to support participants in their efforts to raise funds for the challenge. 

In order to make sure all Munro’s are covered, applicants will be entered into a ballot, choosing their desired area and level of difficulty on entry. They will be assigned either their first or second choice of location and a Munro suitable to their abilities. People of all skill levels are encouraged to take part in what will be an exhilarating team challenge. 

Alisdair Caulfield, RHASS Director of Advancement, said: “The collective effort involved in this challenge will not only be a testament to community spirit, but it will also be a wonderful celebration of Scotland’s rich rural heritage. 

“We are aiming to sign up at least six hundred participants to ensure that no one faces the ascent alone, the logistics in that alone will be no easy feat.  Additionally, we have also set ourselves an ambitious fundraising target, which will help RHASS and our partnering beneficiaries drive positive change and leave a lasting impact on rural communities.” 

Munro-bagger Hollie Jenkins and her two spaniels Hugo and Spencer (@theedinburghspaniels) stepped up to support the drive for sign-ups, encouraging fellow dedicated hikers to take part in the daring challenge. Hollie met with members of the RHASS team to share her passion for hiking in the Scottish Mountains and discuss the importance of preserving Scotland’s rural heritage. Speaking on the challenge, Hollie said: “As an avid Munro bagger, I am honoured to be part of this remarkable challenge and encourage everyone to take part in the amazing opportunity to celebrate the natural beauty of our country’s landscape.” 

Land & Property Partner at Turcan Connell, Grierson Dunlop, said: “As sponsors of RHASS 2024, we are delighted to be part of the society’s assortment of activities and look forward to supporting this ambitious challenge and creative fundraising initiative. The Mighty Munro Muster Is a fantastic opportunity for individuals to help our rural communities prosper, stay active and take in the immense views from our impressive Scottish mountains.

Those who think they can muster up the courage to take part can now sign up online at:  

Participants will receive a branded event t-shirt to wear during the climb and to capture that all-important selfie at the top.

AAB, a leading professional services company across the UK & Ireland, has today announced the promotion of three business leaders to the Group’s senior leadership team, to accelerate its ambitious growth plans.

As the company commits to building deeper relationships with clients, AAB has appointed Lyn Calder as Chief Growth Officer, John Beevers as Head of Professional Services and Neil Robb as Head of Business Advisory. Notably, the Chief Growth Officer and Head of Professional Services roles mark new additions to AAB’s Group Executive Team.

As the newly appointed Chief Growth Officer, Lyn Calder brings a wealth of experience in strategic planning and business development. Lyn, who has been with AAB for six years, was previously the Managing Partner for the AAB Edinburgh office. As CGO, she is poised to leverage the Group’s comprehensive capabilities to drive growth and market penetration, and to cultivate key partnerships.

John Beevers, in the new role of Head of Professional Services, will leverage his extensive expertise in business performance to enhance service quality and drive operational excellence overseeing the Audit, Corporate Finance, Business Advisory and Private Client. John is based in the AAB Leeds office, having previously been a partner at Sagars for more than twenty years. He joined AAB in 2021 as part of AAB’s strategic acquisition of the Leeds-based accountancy business.

Neil Robb, who takes on the role of Head of Business Advisory, will lead efforts to provide tailored solutions for SMEs through delivery of accounting & tax compliance, digital accounting solutions and strategic advisory projects. Neil is based in the Glasgow office, and joined AAB in 2023 as AAB acquired French Duncan.

Emma Lancaster, Chief Executive Officer of AAB, commented: “The business has been on an incredible growth journey over the last three years. As part of our growth strategy, we are committed to providing unmatched opportunities for our team members to develop their own careers. Their proven track records and commitment to excellence make Lyn, John, and Neil key leaders as we continue to grow the business.

“In their respective roles, these individuals will spearhead initiatives aimed at enhancing AAB’s position as a trusted advisor to clients. Their combined experience, expertise and passion will ensure that the business retains its client-centric focus, and provides unparalleled service delivery.

“With these appointments, we reinforce our commitment to deliver exceptional value to our clients and remain at the forefront of our industry.”

Since securing investment from August Equity in 2021, AAB has trebled in size and now employs c1,000 people across 12 office locations in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States, with strategic plans in place to continue to scale the business rapidly supported by these promotions announced today.

Responding to the Migration Advisory Committee recommendations to Government on Graduate Visas, Jane Gratton, Deputy Director of Public Policy, said: 


“This is a set of sensible recommendations from the MAC, which we hope the Government will take on board. 


“While there are signs that recruitment difficulties are easing, businesses tell us that finding the people with the right skills to plug the gaps they have remains a serious issue. 


“Our research shows that only 9% of SMEs are using the immigration system to recruit staff as it remains expensive and complex. 


“However, the Graduate Visa route offers SMEs access to global talent in their local area. This route is part of the solution to the skills shortages problem, but much more remains to be done. 


“Businesses also need support to increase their investment in workplace training if we are to tackle skills shortages for the long-term.  


“We need to see action from politicians to break down the barriers to work for everyone. The number of people outside the workforce because of health issues remains a particular concern and more must be done to address this.” 

Responding to the latest labour market data published by ONS this morning, Jane Gratton, Deputy Director Public Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce said:

“Employers across the UK will welcome further signs that the labour market is cooling, but more must be done to ensure they can access the skills they need.

“Today’s data chimes with the picture we’re hearing from businesses. Our latest survey showed recruitment conditions eased in Q1 with fewer firms facing difficulties hiring.

“But significant challenges and pressures remain. Competition for skills, increased wage costs and high interest rates continue to ramp up pressure on businesses and act as a drag on investment and growth.

“More needs to be done to stabilise costs and bring people back into the workforce. While flexible and inclusive workplaces can help employers attract and retain skilled people, businesses will need support to increase their investment in workplace training if we are to tackle ongoing skills shortages.

“We need to see action from politicians to break down the barriers to work for everyone. The number of people outside the workforce because of health issues remains a particular concern.

“Getting the strong economic growth we all want to see will only be possible when the skills and workplace challenges are resolved.”

More detail on the latest ONS labour market data can be found here

We’re celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Edinburgh Local Heritage Network (ELHN). This network was launched on the May 10, 2023 and was attended by 17 representatives from a variety of local community groups, organisations, and societies.

The ELHN has gone from strength to strength over the past year and now has 30 members who represent local heritage groups and societies from across the city.

This network is specifically for local groups and societies with a focus on the heritage of Edinburgh, with the Lord Provost Robert Aldridge as Honorary President.

The purpose of this network is to develop and maintain partnerships between local heritage groups and with Council services, chiefly Archives, Libraries, and Museums and Galleries. This is to better safeguard, enrich, and promote the city’s heritage together.

Membership of the ELHN is available to heritage groups and organisations based within the city. If you belong to a group that you think might benefit from this network, please contact us at

The network meets quarterly and focuses on subjects of interest to local heritage groups. Groups can also raise any specific issues or questions facing them that network members might be able to help with.

Currently, the key focus of the ELHN is the development of a new online membership directory and collaboration on the Edinburgh 900 programme with a focus on supporting local communities to celebrate this anniversary.

The full ELHN online directory can be found on our website.

Further details on the Edinburgh 900 programme are also available on our website.

The Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh and ELHN Honorary President, Robert Aldridge said:

“I’m delighted that the ELHN has reached this milestone and I’d like to sincerely thank all the members, supporters and colleagues who have worked hard to grow and enhance this network.

“Edinburgh is a city of rich history and stories. We’re committed to sharing these as part of our Edinburgh 900 programme and the ELHN has a key role to play in these celebrations.”

Gilson Gray Financial Management (GGFM), the financial planning arm of full-service legal firm Gilson Gray, has promoted Emma Bradbury to chief operating officer (COO).

Emma has been with the firm since it was first set up 10 years ago and has held several roles during that time supporting its expansion, including her most recent position as operations director. As COO, Emma will drive the next chapter of GGFM’s growth, taking over from Steve Herkes who retires as managing director.

The leadership announcement comes as GGFM reveals it is targeting upwards of £1 billion assets under management for the financial year. Several key acquisitions are already lined up to boost the firm’s client base and headcount.

Plans include expansion into additional locations, complementing the full suite of legal services already offered by Gilson Gray in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, East Lothian and Lincoln.

Last year GGFM announced a series of takeovers including Edinburgh-based Sarah Hughes Wealth Management and RS Robertson Financial Planning in Fife, bringing its total assets under management to around £700 million.

Glen Gilson, chair of Gilson Gray Financial Management, added: “Emma has been at the centre of GGFM’s development in recent years and as COO will be a great asset to the team as we move forward. We have ambitious plans for the year ahead, and Emma will be responsible for the operational delivery of the growth strategy and achieving the targets we have set for 2024. Steve Herkes retires with our best wishes and thanks for his dedication to the firm.”

Emma said: “Having been with GGFM since day one, this is a natural next step in my progression with the firm and I’m excited to take on this leadership role, working closely with Glen as chair and Alastair Fiddes as CFO. In recent years I have increasingly been part of the strategic decision-making process, so it is great to formalise that and play a key part in the future growth strategy. As a group, Gilson Gray has created a progressive and ambitious culture which I’ve experienced throughout my decade at GGFM, and even more so recently as I became a working mother. To secure this promotion within a few months of returning from maternity leave is a huge personal achievement and testament to the support of the team.”

Alastair Lindsay, managing partner at GGFM added: “Emma‘s progression over 10 years with the business is a great story of success and very well deserved. I am delighted to see her take on this senior operational role and feel it compliments my own focus on client care and development and our high net worth proposition. GGFM has enjoyed exponential growth of late and I can only see this continuing with the strength of the management team in place.”

Ignite your festive spirit and celebrate in style at Turnberry’s Christmas Party Nights. Treat yourself to an unforgettable evening with our delectable three-course festive menu. Enjoy the rhythms of our live saxophonist and band and compete against your friends at our casino tables. Ticket price includes coach transport to and from the Event with fixed pick-up and drop-off locations in Ayr & Girvan.

From 7pm – 1am. Choose your date: Saturday 7th December 2024 – £89 per person. Friday 13th December 2024 – £79 per person. Saturday 14th December 2024 – £89 per person.

Why not make a real night of it and stay over?

Rooms are available from £165 on the 13th and £180 on the 7th and 14th. Villas are available from £135 on the 13th and £150 on the 7th and 14th.

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