We’re issuing guidance so everyone is able to cast their vote in the General Election on 4 July.

If you applied for a postal vote by 7 June, then this has been posted out and should arrive soon if you haven’t already received it. If you applied for one between 8-19 June it will be sent out by this weekend. Further information can be found on our website.

Please fill your postal vote in as soon as possible once you receive it and post it back to us.

When filling out your postal vote if you’ve separated the statement from envelope A this isn’t an issue, please just send everything back. Don’t worry about using blue ink.

If you need a proxy vote, where someone votes on your behalf, the deadline for new applications is tomorrow (26 June) at 5pm. Guidance on proxy votes is available on our website.

If you are going to vote in person, this is the first UK General Election where voters must show a form of photo identification (ID) to cast their ballot. A list of approved forms of ID and information on how to obtain a free Voter Authority Certificate are also available on the website. The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate to vote in the 2024 General Election is also tomorrow (26 June) at 5pm.

The Council’s website has a full list of candidates standing in Edinburgh’s five parliamentary constituencies.

Two scientists from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh have won coveted spots on an international research cruise to investigate the causes of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan.

Dr Amy Gough and Dr Uisdean Nicholson, both sedimentologists, will join the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition (IODP) 405 in September 2024.

They are two of just three UK scientists invited to join the expedition, which will be the IODP’s last.

Shallow slip contributed to the extreme tsunami 

The 9.0 magnitude 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake was one of the largest ever recorded. It was accompanied by a devastating tsunami that affected over 500km of Japanese coastline and killed over 18,000 people.

The earthquake happened because two tectonic plates met and one pushed under the other in a subduction zone under the ocean offshore Japan. During the earthquake, there was a lot of slip at a shallow angle along the subduction fault where the two tectonic plates met. This shallow slip played a major role in generating the large tsunami waves that inundated the Japanese coast.

Dr Uisdean Nicholson said: “IODP 405 aims to investigate the conditions and processes that led to the extremely shallow slip in 2011.

“Usually slip takes place in the seismogenic zone, around 3-4km below the seabed. This time something unusual was at work, and the slip propagated all the way up to the seafloor.

“This led to movement along the fault zone of over 50m, across a couple of hundred kilometres of the plate boundary. That meant a huge amount of rock was shifting and displacing the water, which in turn caused a much greater tsunami than expected. It had recorded wave heights exceeding 40m, and we know that the runup was much higher than that.

“We need to understand why this shallow slip occurred and what’s happening now in the fault zone 13 years later.”

Extracting cores from the Pacific seabed 

The Heriot-Watt scientists are among 56 researchers from around the world who will be joining the expedition.

They will be using the Japanese scientific drilling vessel Chikyu to drill and extract cores from the seabed of the Pacific. They will examine the samples on board and later at Heriot-Watt’s Edinburgh campus.

Dr Amy Gough, who focuses on the chemical makeup of sediment, said: “The samples will provide critical information about the composition, structure, mechanics and fluids within the fault and surrounding rocks. This will help us understand the conditions that lead to large shallow slips.

“The data we gather from this research will help us understand what’s happening inside fault zones and change how we assess the threats posed by earthquakes and tsunamis around the world.”


Firstly, on behalf of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, I’d like to congratulate you on your recent selection as a candidate in the upcoming UK General Election. As you will be aware, the UK stands at a pivotal point, and there is an urgent need to address our stagnant economy, reverse persistent low productivity rates, find meaningful solutions to our labour and skills challenges and address the economic inequality which exists in our society.

As the voice of the business community in Edinburgh, we firmly believe that a productive and thriving economy is the key to addressing many of the wider societal challenges we face.  We are therefore taking a keen interest in the outcome of this election and the impact that elected members will be able to make on the economic and commercial landscape of our city. For these reasons, we write to you on behalf of our almost 1,000 members from Edinburgh and beyond to highlight some key asks we are issuing to all candidates ahead of polling day:

  • We need a re-setting of the relationship between different levels of Government. We have previously called for a re-setting of relations between government and business, however, recent events have brought the state of relations between all levels of government (UK, Scottish and local) into sharp focus.  With a new First Minister in Holyrood and election at Westminster, we believe there is a unique opportunity for governments at all levels to work more closely together to deliver the kind of prosperous economy we need.  Feedback from members reveals a growing frustration with the current blame culture between different elements of government – this needs to fundamentally change to enable the kind of collaborative effort required to grow our economy.
  • Aligned to this ask, for some time now, one of the major issues our members have raised with us is the need for an extended period of calm and stability in both our politics and policy making. Uncertainty and instability are the enemies of economic growth, impacting critical investment, forward planning and ambition. Business needs a stable environment to thrive, and we need our policy makers to play their part in creating the best possible conditions to deliver the stable and sustainable growth we need.
  • A strong, productive, and successful economy should be a priority and no longer considered something we should be ashamed of.  We believe that the only way the UK Government can address some of the societal and fiscal challenges we face is by growing our way out of them.  Only through sustainable growth, significant improvements to productivity, and the creation of high quality jobs can we raise the vital tax revenues necessary to support our wellbeing ambitions and address inequalities.  We should therefore not hide our economic ambitions, but encourage them and nurture them, for the benefit of all.

In terms of more specific policies:

  • Lowering VAT for Hospitality. The UK has one of the highest rates of VAT for hospitality in Europe, which is a significant drag on our competitiveness on the world stage. We saw the impact that a lower rate of VAT for hospitality had when it was introduced during the pandemic – stimulating demand and generating revenue.  Data produced by UK Hospitality suggests that a reduced rate would deliver higher growth, boost employment, lead to lower consumer prices and ultimately be cash-generative for the Treasury, contributing to Government debt reduction. Based on a reduced rate of 12.5%, they estimate it would deliver;
    • Growth: Additional sales of £7.7 billion in 10 years – c.5%
    • Inflation: 3% reduction in prices based on 50% pass-through
    • Reducing Government debt: Net fiscal gain for HM Treasury over 10 years of £4.6 billion
  • The re-introduction of tax free shopping. This is an issue we have long campaigned for both directly and via Scottish and British Chambers of Commerce.  According to the Association of International Retail, the evidence of actual spending by non-EU visitors to Europe in 2022 shows a £1.5 billion spending loss as a result of ending tax-free shopping, whilst the evidence of British people shopping tax-free in the EU suggests that Britain is missing out on a unique new £10 billion market which would not be so focused on London.
  • Transform the National Grid and outline plans for future energy sources. The UK government should ensure that there is sufficient network capacity and flexibility to deliver energy needs fit for Net Zero. Grid transmission must be dramatically upgraded and increased as proposed by the Electricity Networks Commissioner, and the distribution network should be modernised to facilitate recharging for electric vehicle charging and distributed renewable generation. The government should also set out a strategy for the role of hydrogen in the UK’s future energy mix, and provide a clear, long-term plan that sets out how it will meet its ambitions for nuclear generation, and create an enabling environment to speed up the rollout of renewable energy from all sources.

The platform you seek at a UK Government level is of great significance to our members, and we look forward to working with you to understand more about your plans to support and enhance the business environment in Edinburgh, and how we can work together to deliver a thriving and productive economy that works for everyone.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth McAreavey

Chief Executive, Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

Audiences can see it for themselves with 50% off Preview Night tickets on sale soon

Scottish musician Nathan Evans has revealed his pride after discovering his hit ‘Wellerman’ will be part of The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo this summer.

The 29-year-old shot to fame when the sea shanty went viral across TikTok in 2020 which led to a record deal and a Number 1 single in several countries.

Now it has been revealed that the famous track will form part of the Tattoo performance, with His Majesty’s Royal Marines Band taking it on, alongside some traditional navy tunes and sea shanties.

Nathan said: “What an incredible honour to have my song featured as part of the Tattoo.

“Growing up in Scotland, I think the Tattoo is something you’re always aware of and feel that sense of pride about so to have my song included is a real pinch-me moment.

“Since I released Wellerman, things have obviously changed dramatically for me but this is the icing on the cake and I can’t wait to see the song come to life as part of the amazing performances this summer.”

This year’s Tattoo performances will run from 2-24 August, with guests from around the world coming to experience the Journeys Show.

For fans eager to see the special performance of Wellerman alongside other world-class acts from across the globe, special preview night tickets will go on sale from Monday 24 June, at 10am with up to 50% off standard ticket prices.

Journeys will celebrate the journey of connection through music, dance, culture, and military traditions.

The Show will be the third under the Tattoo’s bold brand proposition, Performance in a New Light, and will follow the successes of the last two years Shows Voices and Stories under creative Director Michael Braithwaite Journeys merges the traditional military elements that the Tattoo is known and loved for, with modern touches through creative projection, technology, costume design and music inspirations.

Michael Braithwaite, Creative Director of The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, says “While the Tattoo has a proud history of the very finest world-class military and civilian performances; innovation and Scottish culture have also been a core tradition of the show since its first days.

Nathan’s much-deserved success and passion for Scottish music represent everything we hold dear at the Tattoo. He has taken a 19th century sea shanty and brought it to the modern era to great acclaim. We are thrilled to be presenting Wellerman, as a feature with the Band of His Majesty’s Royal Marines, our lead service, and a highlight of the journey our audience will embark upon this year.”

The Castle Esplanade will be filled with over 800 international performers from far and wide to showcase their epic journey, through vibrant dance, music, visual artistry and so much more. Expressing their unique cultures, this Show will host talents from the USA, India, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, and homegrown acts from around the UK. Through an artistic odyssey, expect a wide variety of enthralling action featuring world-leading talent.

With the Royal Navy as lead service, the Show will pay homage to the seafarers that brave the ocean to travel across continents bringing people and cultures together

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at edintattoo.co.uk/tickets or on the phone, 0131 225 1188. The Show will run from 2-24 August 2024, with Presenting Partner, Innis & Gunn, offering a bar service at the event.

Tickets for 2025’s Show celebrating the 75th Anniversary of The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo will go on sale in August during Journeys.

The Royal Highland Show kicked off its first day with resounding success, drawing thousands of visitors from across the country and beyond to Ingliston, Edinburgh, showcasing the best of Scotland’s farming, food, and rural life, setting the tone for an unforgettable four-day experience.

The show commenced with a jam-packed programme of competitions including livestock, equine, and the Scottish Dairy Championships, along with a wide range of fun, activities, and entertainment for all the family.

David Tennant, Head of Show for RHASS, said: “We are thrilled to see such a fantastic start to the Royal Highland Show with an even better turnout than expected. The energy and enthusiasm of our visitors and exhibitors has been incredible. This show is a true celebration of our rural heritage and the outstanding contributions of our agricultural community.”

As day one comes to a close, the success of the Royal Highland Show was evident in the smiling faces of attendees and the lively atmosphere that filled the air.

With three more days of activities, competitions, and celebrations to come, this year’s event promises to be one of the best yet and is set to see even greater footfall as the event goes on with Friday and Saturday both sold out.

The 2024 show has also seen higher ticket sales recorded than in previous years, with ticket sales up 15% on the same time last year.

Those attending the show in the next two day are reminded that Friday and Saturday car parking is also sold out and attendees without parking tickets are encouraged to utilise public transport.

For further information including travel information, booking car parking or Hoolie tickets visit www.royalhighlandShow.org

If you own a property in Edinburgh and decide to move abroad, what are your options? Sell up? Leave it unoccupied? Rent it to friends and hope they’ll look after it?  

We think there’s a better choice… 

Long-Term Renting In Edinburgh 

Edinburgh is one of the world’s most desirable cities to live in and property is consistently in high demand. In 2023, research by Totaljobs found it had the best quality of life of any city in the UK. Understandably, finding somewhere to rent in Scotland’s capital can be like looking for a needle in a haystack, and prices are at a record high, which makes long-term renting an attractive option for property owners. 

However, looking after a rental property when you’re thousands of miles away can be a headache. What if there’s an emergency and you’re in a different time zone, or maintenance and repairs need to be carefully managed? How can you ensure you meet all your obligations when you’re not around? 

Leave It To Experienced Letting Agents 

At Clan Gordon, our complete property management service takes the stress out of looking after a rental property from overseas. You decide how much interaction you want with us, and we do the rest. It couldn’t be easier. 

A reputable and reliable letting agent gives you the peace of mind that your property is being well looked after, and you won’t have to worry about chasing rent payments or carrying out routine inspections. 

We have almost 20 years’ experience in the local property market and manage more than 600 properties across the city. We’ve also won multiple awards for our customer service, being named both Edinburgh and Scotland’s best letting agent in consecutive years. 

If you’re moving abroad, it’s crucial to choose a letting agent you can trust to make decisions on your behalf and check your property is being well looked after. From electing tenants to carrying out repairs and maintenance, you need to know your property is in safe hands.  

What To Ask A Letting Agent 

When choosing an agent, it’s important to check you’re happy with their processes, such as how they select tenants. You won’t be there yourself to meet them, so you’ll have to rely on your agent for guidance. 

Make sure you ask how often your property will be inspected. At Clan Gordon, we inspect every property within the first three months, followed by regular six-monthly inspections. We send the landlord a photographic report after each inspection, which is reassuring if you’re living overseas and can’t visit yourself. 

Ask about your agent’s property maintenance process and agree on how much autonomy they have to carry out any work on your property. Many landlords are happy to set a maximum cost for work that can be carried out without them having to sign it off. Living overseas makes it difficult to deal with contractors directly, so it’s important you can trust your letting agent to appoint tradespeople who will do a good job at a fair price. 

Things To Consider When Letting Your Property 

If you have a mortgage on your property, you must contact your mortgage provider to let them know you intend to let it out. You may need to change your mortgage if you’re renting out your home, and if you don’t inform them, you are in breach of your mortgage terms. 

If you let a property in the UK but live abroad for six months of the year or more, you must comply with HMRCs Non-Resident Landlords Scheme and pay tax on any income. 

Rent payments will be made in Sterling, so if you’re living abroad, they’ll be impacted by fluctuating exchange rates. This could mean that your rental income varies from month to month, depending upon the strength of the pound. If you are relying on your rental income to cover mortgage payments, you’ll need to take this into account. Maintaining a bank account in the UK avoids paying international transfer fees or being impacted by exchange rates.  

If you’re hoping to be able to use your property for periods when you return home, you need to be aware of the rules concerning private residential tenancies. Since 2017, new open-ended tenancies mean landlords can’t ask tenants to leave after a fixed term. 

You can still give your tenants notice to leave, but this could be up to 84 days if they have been tenants for more than six months. Full details are available on the government website 

For advice and guidance about renting out your Edinburgh property while living abroad, arrange a call with one of our professional property managers today.  

For Edinburgh landlords, keeping up with regulation changes has become increasingly difficult in recent years. From EPC requirements to deposit registration schemes, the Repairing Standard and rent caps, being a landlord requires great attention to detail to avoid falling foul of the law.  

The complexities of renting out a property can’t be underestimated, and many landlords turn to letting agents to help them stay compliant and avoid fines – or worse. So, what are the requirements, and how can a letting agent make sure you stay on the right side of the tracks? 

Know The Rules Landlords Have To Follow 

From the moment you decide to let your property, there are rules you need to follow. All landlords in Scotland must be registered with the Government. An application to join the Scottish Landlord Register takes around 20 minutes to complete online and costs £80 to register in one local authority area – additional areas are £40 each.  

You must confirm your property meets both the Tolerable Standard and the Repairing Standard, which means it must be in a reasonable state of repair and have services such as water, gas, electricity, sanitation and heating that are in working order. 

But it doesn’t stop there… 

Check, Check, Check 

The list of other requirements you need to meet to rent out your home is considerable, and some require visits by specialist testers to issue safety certificates. These must be carried out on a regular basis during the tenancy, and you must provide certificates to your tenants.  

Gas safety certificate: this confirms any gas appliances such as boilers and gas cookers are safe and in good working order. Checks must be done annually. 

Electrical installation condition report or a current electrical installation certificate: this confirms the electrics in the property have been safely installed. 

Electrical appliance test details: any electrical appliances you provide, such as fridges and washing machines, must be PAT tested at least every five years. 

Fire, smoke and heat detection equipment: your property must be fitted with detection equipment linked to an alarm system. 

Carbon monoxide detector: your property must be fitted with a working carbon monoxide detector if there are gas appliances or solid fuel stoves. 

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC): you must provide an EPC that shows the energy efficiency of your property. 

Legionella risk assessment: you are required to do a risk assessment for legionella and ensure the water system is safe 

Register Your Tenant’s Deposit 

When you accept your tenant’s deposit, it must be lodged with a recognised tenancy deposit scheme within 30 days. There are three schemes to choose from in Scotland. If you fail to register with one, your tenant can be awarded up to three times their deposit by the First-Tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber). 

Get Your Tenancy Agreement Right 

The Scottish Government provides a model private residential tenancy agreement for landlords to follow to ensure it is legally compliant. Tenancies can no longer have an end date or minimum period. Since 2017, all private tenancies must be open-ended, and rent can only be increased once in a 12-month period. 

Landlords must give the required notice to tenants: 

  • 28 days’ notice if they have lived in the property for less than six months or the landlord is using one of the six ‘behaviour’ grounds 
  • 84 days’ notice if they have lived in the property for more than six months and the landlord is not using the ‘behaviour’ grounds 

The six ‘behaviours’ that apply are if the tenant: 

  • is not occupying the property as their only or main home 
  • has breached the agreement 
  • is in rent arrears for three or more months in a row 
  • has been found guilty, in a court, of certain crimes 
  • has been involved in antisocial behaviour 
  • has been involved with a person who has been found guilty of certain crimes or has been involved in antisocial behaviour

For most landlords, managing all the legal requirements of renting out a property is too arduous, and they run the risk of neglecting something important. Signing it over to a letting agent puts the property in the hands of a professional who will know exactly what is required.  

Reputable letting agents ensure their employees are kept up to date with legislation changes and temporary measures that can impact landlords, such as the 3% rent cap that was introduced to protect tenants during the cost-of-living crisis. 

To find out how a letting agent can ensure you comply with all the legal requirements of letting your Edinburgh property, schedule a call with one of our professional property managers today. 

Owners of Edinburgh rental properties look to make a strong return on their investments, and some even rely on them as a main source of income. Those with property portfolios in the city can expect rental yields of around 6% in one of the UK’s most desirable places to live. 

Demand for homes in Edinburgh consistently outstrips supply, so there’s always a ready stream of tenants looking for properties. Rents are at an all-time high, and the Scottish Government’s short-term let licensing scheme has yet to deliver more homes into the long-term lettings market so competition is fierce. 

If it’s easy to find tenants in Edinburgh, what can a letting agent bring to the table? At Clan Gordon, the personalised service we provide to landlords makes a difference from the moment they sign up with us to manage their property… 

Personalised Property Management To Suit Your Individual Needs 

Unlike some other agents, we treat all our landlords as individuals. No two landlords are the same, and we take time to get to know them so they feel looked after and they trust us to manage their property efficiently and effectively. 

Our expertise in the local property market means we can offer advice to help landlords make the most of their properties. We’ve been looking after rental homes in the city for almost 20 years, and we know what adds value and what tenants are looking for. 

Landlords Benefit From Money-Saving Expertise 

From the moment we take on a property, we share our experience about worthwhile renovations and upgrades. We never let our landlords spend money unnecessarily, and we have a team of reputable local tradespeople who can carry out work to a high standard at a reasonable cost.  

We work with landlords and their budgets to agree a scheme of work, and then we closely supervise to ensure it’s completed on time, to a good standard and at the agreed cost.  

Finding The Right Tenants For Your Property 

Once the property is ready to be marketed, we talk to the landlord about the type of tenants they want to attract, whether it’s professional couples, families or students. Taking time to find tenants who are a perfect match means they’re likely to be happier with the property and stay longer. 

Bespoke Approach To Property Management 

Our bespoke approach to property management continues throughout. We ask our landlords how much contact and feedback they want from us, and landlords can even log in to view any details regarding our management at any time. 

We look after your home as if it were our own, carrying out regular inspections to ensure your tenants are keeping it well maintained and identifying any issues early before they become serious problems. 

We provide a point of contact between landlords and their tenants without losing the personal touch, which is why 100% of landlords and 97% of tenants trust us with their property management. 

If you’re looking for personalised property management for your Edinburgh rental property, arrange a call with one of our professional property managers and find out what Clan Gordon has to offer.  

A lack of skilled ‘green collar’ construction workers threatens to derail the UK’s decarbonisation plans and is seeing in-demand trades command annual salaries of over *£134,000 (US$168,000).

Insulation specialists and solar and heat pump installers in London now typically earn £70 (US$88) per hour and wages have soared by 22% in the last 12 months.

These trades, which are on the front line of the energy transition, are now paid two and a half times more than general construction labourers who typically earn £28 (US$35) per hour in the capital.

According to a new report by Turner & Townsend, the global professional services company, all UK regions are suffering from an acute shortage of skilled construction workers as competition for labour has pushed costs to record levels in the UK.

The company’s International construction market survey (ICMS) 2024 report indicates that rising costs for specialist green contractors are particularly high.  Even outside of London, the average UK wage for these specialists is still £47 (US$59) per hour, around twice the cost of general labourers.

The shortage of skilled construction workers and high wage inflation threatens the UK’s delivery of its binding net-zero target. All nine UK regions surveyed reported skills shortages, and 78% of UK markets reported this shortage is already having a ‘major’ or ‘large’ impact on programmes.

Labour cost inflation and the impact of skills shortages is not limited to low carbon development. Overall, average construction wages in the UK have increased by 13% since 2023 – rising from £36 (US$44) per hour to £42 (US$50) in 2024.

London ranks as the 10th most expensive construction market globally, rising from 14th in 2023. Average construction costs in the capital have risen to £3,503 (US$4,473) per m2 compared to 2023 when costs were £3,024 (US$3,862) per m2.

Despite the high labour costs and wage inflation for some trades, overall UK construction inflation is coming down year-on-year, and the report forecasts average inflation in 2024 will be 3.0% for the UK, falling from 4.2% in 2023.

This forecast will be welcomed by the sector, which has been knocked in recent years following the Covid-19 pandemic and impact of the energy price shocks.

Chris Sargent, managing director of UK real estate, at Turner & Townsend, said:

“We’re seeing the rise of the green specialist across the UK. As a nation we have a relatively old and inefficient building stock, and construction is absolutely central to meeting our net-zero goals and making our homes, offices and public buildings fit for the future. Fundamentally, this can’t be done without the workforce. Hundreds of thousands of new trained specialists are required to give the sector the capacity it needs for the green transition.

“High wages may make the role more appealing to many, and attract these much needed skills. But green construction cannot afford to be in a separate tier of costs from traditional work. We need to help make net zero achievable and affordable by investing now in building and training the pipeline of skilled workers we need, and by adopting innovative digital tools to improve productivity and outcomes.”

91 global markets were surveyed in the ICMS, including nine key UK regions – London, Manchester, Bristol, Leeds, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Glasgow, Newcastle and Belfast.

Globally, the report shows the US continuing to dominate the rankings of the most expensive places to build, with six US cities in the top ten. New York has retained its position as the most expensive market to build in for the second year running at an average cost of £4,536 (US$5,723) per m2.

The report sees the impact nearshoring prompted by supply chain disruption and geopolitical tensions.  This is resulting in growth and investment in manufacturing, especially in emerging international markets such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil and Mexico.  Labour constraints remain a significant inflationary factor globally, and all but three of the 91 markets surveyed reported an impact from such skills shortage.

The ever popular Spectacular Jousting event is set to return to Linlithgow Palace on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th of June.  Historic Environment Scotland (HES) invites visitors to experience thrilling horsemanship and the impressive skills of courageous knights as they take to the arena.  With action-packed jousting, living history camps to explore, falconry displays and entertainment from court jesters, the event offers a host of activities to engage with our heritage in an exhilarating way.

Spectacular Jousting will take place at Linlithgow Palace from 11.30am – 4.30pm on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June.

Advance booking required to guarantee entry. Tickets can be bought in advance online at alittlehistory.scot/jousting and are free for Historic Scotland members.

For more details on the event and parking options, please visit the Historic Environment Scotland website.