With Falls Awareness Week happening from 18-22 September 2023, Steady Steps, a community-based falls prevention programme which supports local people in Edinburgh to improve their strength and balance and maintain their independence through physical activity, is celebrating its 5,000th referral.

Delivered by the Active Communities team at Edinburgh Leisure and supported by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB), Steady Steps is a 16-week physical activity referral programme which has been going since 2014 and supports participants to reduce their risk of falling. It has recently received additional funding from the EIJB.

Physical activity can contribute to a reduction in the number of falls, fractures, hospital admissions and bed days because of a fall. This reduces the cost to NHS Lothian, and offers vulnerable, older adults an opportunity to engage in physical and social activities, sustaining and improving confidence and ability to live independently.

Edinburgh Leisure delivers 32 Steady Steps classes each week in Edinburgh Leisure and community venues across the city. Participants attend weekly physical activity sessions, which last 1.5 hours each week and are followed by a coffee and chat.  Participants are also encouraged to complete home based exercises twice a week for the duration of the 16-week programme. As a result of participating in these balance exercise sessions, participants have said that they are more able to complete tasks in and out of the house more easily (e.g., housework and doing the shopping), that they felt more confident, and they had an improved social life.

Amy Fastier, Health Development Officer (Falls Prevention) said: “Continued funding from the EIJB will mean that we can continue delivering this important service creating a positive impact on the health, and crucially the confidence, of our participants. Research shows falls are preventable and do not have to be an inevitable part of aging. However, once a fall does happen, the chances of another fall are dramatically increased. Sadly, this can really knock the confidence out of some adults, deterring them from going out and socialising. The methods used by Steady Steps are known to reduce falls by up to 35%, as well as having a hugely positive effect on the overall physical, mental, and social wellbeing of participants.”

Retired primary school depute headteacher, Katherine Bates, has experienced the project as both a participant and a volunteer, training as a volunteer after completing the 16-week programme in 2017.

Initially referred by her physiotherapist because of several falls, as well as having osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal issues, she found the programme helped to improve her strength and balance and particularly liked that the exercises in class were designed to be incorporated into daily life.

On completion of the course, and with the encouragement of her instructor, Michael, she completed the volunteer training and now volunteers at a Steady Steps class at Gracemount Leisure Centre. Katherine’s role involves setting up the room, welcoming people into the class, and carrying out assessments so that Michael can focus on delivering the class without distractions. As Katherine explains: “Some people need a bit of extra support, and I can help them without disrupting the class or drawing attention to them.”

“Volunteering has been such a positive experience for me and it’s helped that I have experienced Steady Steps as a participant as well.  It’s helped me to understand the challenges participants face and what it’s like to go through the programme. Some participants live very rich lives, others have lost their confidence and have become socially isolated because of their falling.  It’s wonderful to see them out, enjoying themselves, and making social connections as well as improving their balance and mobility.”

For more information about Steady Steps please contact Edinburgh Leisure’s Active Communities team – active@edinburghleisure.co.uk or 0131 458 2260.

  • Visitors invited to ‘Experience the Beauty’ of Scotland’s capital with stunning new visitor campaign taking viewers behind famous scenes and showing the city in a new light.
  • Newly launched city destination website promotes local businesses, features ‘UK first’ ChatGPT chat box and new interactive city, neighbourhood and regional maps to make it easier for visitors to explore.
  • Series of unique rewards secured to expand Forever Edinburgh’s successful resident rewards programme, meaning more year-round reduced resident rates and ‘money can’t buy’ experiences – for locals only.

Following the busiest summer festival season in Scotland’s Capital since Covid hit, Forever Edinburgh has unveiled a new inbound visitor campaign and brand-new city marketing website, enhanced by a programme of unmissable resident rewards.

The campaigns are aimed at generating increased spend and support for Edinburgh’s tourism, hospitality and leisure businesses while spreading tourism throughout the year.

Created in 2022 thanks to funding from the City of Edinburgh Council and Visit Scotland, Forever Edinburgh is the city’s official destination guide. The expanded ‘Resident Rewards Edinburgh’ programme and ‘Experience the Beauty’ visitor campaign are both funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Soar through Edinburgh with breath-taking digital campaign

The city’s official destination promotion service has unveiled a brand new UK inbound leisure visitor digital campaign: Experience the Beauty.

Designed to raise awareness of Edinburgh’s unrivalled experiences and encourage new and repeat visitors to visit in all seasons, the campaign features colourful flashes of iconic sights and attractions mixed with intimate snippets of Edinburgh’s less explored nooks and crannies.

View the new video here.

Explore Edinburgh before entering the city with interactive new website

Forever Edinburgh – The Official Guide to Edinburgh has launched a brand new website to provide a more powerful tool for raising awareness of the city’s year-round, city-wide visitor offering to residents and prospective visitors.

Corstorphine interactive map
Listings page for events


The new site is the first destination website in the UK to launch a Chat GPT powered chatbot while an interactive map will help users navigate their way between the city centre, local neighbourhoods and the wider region.

Local tourism businesses and organisations can also now create and maintain their own free web listing to help inspire bookings. Similarly, businesses can record whether they are Green Scotland accredited, helping to position Edinburgh as a responsible destination that can be enjoyed by everyone and supporting Edinburgh becoming a net zero city. Businesses can also highlight their services for visitors with additional accessibility requirements.

Snap up new Resident Rewards

Experience evenings in the city centre

Only available to local residents, the Capital’s trailblazing ‘Resident Reward Edinburgh’ programme is now expanding with four new rewards categories for residents. These include special resident rates by signed-up partners, exclusive resident previews for some of the city’s newest openings, annual validity on tickets to grow loyalty with the annual pass, and half price and free days.

First launched in January 2022 offering one high-value monthly reward from one new business each month, this is a growing programme with new rewards categories joining the programme on a rolling basis.

This success is expected to continue as Forever Edinburgh announces new monthly star rewards with Lind & Lime Gin this September and The Cauldron in October, plus discounted resident rates for a range of attractions including Mercat Tours, PURE Spa and Edinburgh Bus Tours.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: 

“In line with Edinburgh’s 2030 Tourism Strategy we are working towards a more sustainable, fairer visitor economy. These campaigns redefine Edinburgh as a destination for a whole range of incredible experiences for everybody, in every season of the year.

“The new website celebrates the green credentials many of our businesses boast as well as our beautiful green spaces. It highlights accessible, low-carbon travel options to make it easy for people to get around. As well as our iconic city centre sights, Forever Edinburgh is celebrating Edinburgh’s fantastic neighbourhoods and offers a number of special rewards only residents can gain access to.

“Whether you live locally or visit from halfway across the world, there is so much more to Edinburgh than many of us find time to discover. It’s great to see these campaigns shine a light on some of those experiences.”

VisitScotland Regional Director Neil Christison said:

“Digital channels play a significant role in marketing Scotland to both domestic and international markets, helping consumers research and book their trips. It is fantastic to see the launch of the new Forever Edinburgh website and marketing activity that will showcase the variety of what is on offer in the city and surrounding area, all year round.

“In addition, the resident reward scheme is a great example of tourism as a force for good, benefiting communities in and around the city and helping to drive forward the aims of Edinburgh’s 2030 tourism strategy.”

Claire Riddoch, Marketing Manager for Camera Obscura & World of Illusions, said:

“Taking part in the Residents Reward was a great success for Camera Obscura & World of Illusions. We are always looking at ways we can work with our local partners and audiences to give back something in return for their loyal support, especially after the last few hard years of the Covid-19 pandemic. We were delighted to welcome just under 700 local children free during March 2023, which contributed to a 56% overall rise in children visiting compared to March 2022 and 33% of our total visitors were from Edinburgh and Lothians, up 16% on 2022.”

Iain McNeill, Managing Director for Whereverly Limited, the local company commissioned to design the new website, said:

“We are delighted to have worked with Edinburgh Council to design and develop the new Forever Edinburgh website. A website which captures the character and diversity of Edinburgh and the imaginations of those looking to visit.”

Balfour Beatty today announces that it has become the first construction company to secure funding from the Scottish Government’s Emerging Energies Technology Fund to retrofit carbon intensive vehicles to run off both hydrogen and diesel, also known as dual fuel.

As part of the innovative project, the Scottish Government has provided over £240,000 with Balfour Beatty match-funding the scheme.  The funding will allow Balfour Beatty to retrofit two gritters and two operations and maintenance vehicles. Once retrofitted, the vehicles will be trialled on the Connect Roads M77/Glasgow Southern Orbital project.

The trial is expected to deliver a 40% reduction in carbon emissions from each of the four retrofitted vehicles, with the aim of providing a blueprint for the conversion of all Balfour Beatty owned fleet in the future.

The Connect Roads M77/GSO depot in East Renfrewshire will also become Scotland’s first ‘Hydrogen Construction Hub’, where Balfour Beatty will facilitate quarterly sessions during the first year of the trial to allow customers, supply chain partners and other key stakeholders to hear about the progress and performance of the four retrofitted vehicles and see them in action.

Hector MacAulay MBE, Balfour Beatty Regional Managing Director of Scotland, said: “Reducing emissions from plant on sites is a key challenge faced by the entire construction and infrastructure industry. It is a challenge that must be faced collectively if we are to drive down our emissions and play our part in reaching the Scottish Government’s net zero by 2045 target.

“Whilst electric solutions are starting to enter the market, they are not yet a realistic option for heavy plant. Dual fuel represents an alternative solution, and we are looking forward to seeing the benefits that this trial will deliver, as we look to develop a practical solution for our industry, alongside the Scottish Government.”

In response, the Scottish Government said: “We are pleased to note today’s announcement by Balfour Beatty, following their successful funding bid into our Emerging Energy Technologies Fund – Hydrogen Innovation Scheme. As confirmed by the First Minister in May, we have so far awarded grant funding of over £7m from the HIS to 32 innovative projects that will support the development of the hydrogen economy in Scotland.

“The projects supported through this funding call will progress innovative solutions to address and overcome key challenges related to scaling up hydrogen production, storage, and distribution. The awarded funding will also enable the development of hydrogen innovation centres across Scotland that will act as hubs of ongoing hydrogen innovation activity, providing facilities that will support skills development and the incubation and development of hydrogen technologies across the value chain; Balfour Beatty’s project is a prime example of this activity.”

The hydrogen retrofit project will support the bold targets and ambitions set out in Balfour Beatty’s sustainability strategy, Building New Futures, and is aligned to the company’s recently published fuel hierarchy, which looks to educate people on the most appropriate, sustainable  energy sources for plant, equipment, vehicles and buildings.

Date: 22nd of September 2023 (Friday)

After a successful first workshop, this event will focus on non-domestic buildings across Scotland.

This workshop series emerges from the need to develop an archetype and low-carbon heating approach that delivers Scotland’s net-zero targets. Discussions during this workshop will include the methods to improve our built heritage, the surrounding public and private space, and the communities that depend on future infrastructure upgrades.

The workshop will discuss the development of a retrofit approach relevant to our vast building types and seek ways to lower energy demand and the associated carbon emissions in a sympathetic and future-proof manner. The best retrofit methods often depend on many variables and constraints within the surrounding context, therefore, each building presents a unique challenge. The workshop proposes to discuss the best way to characterise buildings, seeking to find a common approach to retrofitting each typology by creating building archetypes clustered by age, methods of construction, and use. This is also a relevant space to discuss the role of low-carbon heating suitable for each archetype, and the challenges we face in finding the best technology and the required infrastructure to meet demand.

Participants of this workshop series will come from varying backgrounds and expert areas, therefore there is an opportunity to develop a deep understanding and discussion over this topic.

The workshop series hopes to inform and agree on the best characterisation of domestic and non-domestict buildings in Scotland with and without a significant historical location and classification. However, the approach and methods of refurbishment should be well-informed at all levels from property owners, private tenants, landlords, local authorities, conservation bodies, and government. The culmination of this work (University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering, and partners) will include a website and tool to access retrofit examples and case studies showcasing the before and after conditions of the buildings.

The three workshops will be:

– Workshop 1 (past): 23rd of August 2023 – Scottish domestic buildings Archetype and low-carbon heating approach.

– Workshop 2 (this one): 22nd of September 2023 – Scottish non-domestic buildings Archetype and low-carbon heating approach.

– Workshop 3: date tba – Conservations and climate change resilient retrofit of Scottish buildings through an archetype and low-carbon heating approach.

Book your space here. 

Steven Simpson is the Managing Director of the Cruden Group

As we mark Scottish Housing Day it gives the chance to reflect on the changing landscape of the country’s house building sector; the challenges it is currently facing and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Undoubtedly the industry has encountered a very turbulent time. In the affordable housing market, delivery is being significantly impacted by soaring inflation on build-costs with many projects deferred.  Furthermore, against a backdrop of long standing, fixed-price affordable housing contracts, contractors’ margins have been eroded by rocketing material and labour costs and a reduced supply chain.

Meanwhile, the external economic environment has recently brought tough challenges to the private housing market. The cost-of-living crisis has softened demand for new homes due to increased price sensitivity, as prospective buyers factor in rising interest rates on mortgages, inflation, and energy bills.

They say ‘the only safe ship in a storm is leadership’. During Cruden’s rich history of over 80 years of Scottish house building and development, we’ve weathered many economic storms and demonstrated corporate agility in the face of fast paced political, social and regulatory change.  In fact, our ability to pivot in reaction to changing market conditions has been a hallmark of our achievement. Now, once again, we are adapting our strategy for long-term success.

The delivery of new homes for private sale remains a core part of our growth plans, but our focus on the affordable housing market is shifting towards the provision of land-led affordable housing in collaboration with partner organisations. Whilst we will continue to engage in negotiated construction contracts, a move away from the conventional tender model will ensure a more collaborative, development-led approach that enables us to work closely with local authorities and housing associations, whilst rebalancing risk and reward. This method also enables us to identify suitable opportunities for much-needed affordable housing and deliver bespoke design and build solutions that cater to the specific needs of communities.

Our commitment to working collaboratively with various stakeholders, including local authorities, housing associations, and the communities we serve, helps create a lasting impact on Scotland’s housing landscape. In re-planning our organisational structure to bring our house building and contracting divisions together, I firmly believe we are well placed to deliver our strong pipeline of both private and affordable housing projects throughout central Scotland.

The theme of this year’s Scottish Housing Day is ‘Celebrating Housing as a Career’, and our new strategic approach enables us to leverage our talent pool across both our private house building and affordable housing projects and presents an exciting opportunity for our workforce to thrive under a one-team approach to collaboration, expertise, resource and insight. I’m confident our diverse range of roles and career paths will foster innovation and efficiency across Cruden’s many active and planned, multi-tenure developments across the country.

Challenges are inevitable, but they also present opportunities for reflection, growth and innovation.  Resilience and optimism have always defined our industry and Cruden is in great shape to react dynamically to help deliver a more promising future for Scotland’s housing market. I look forward to the potential for further positive change and growth in the industry and I am excited for Cruden to continue to play our part in building a better Scotland for all.

Reacting to the latest GDP data from the ONS, David Bharier, Head of Research at the British Chambers of Commerce said: 


“Today’s figures showing GDP grew by 0.2% in the three months to July, with a 0.5% decline in July itself underlines the precarious state of the economy. Small and medium-sized businesses continue to battle against stubbornly high inflation, rising interest rates, trade barriers with the EU, higher taxes, and an uncertain labour market. 


“Our latest Quarterly Economic Forecast, published last week, expects GDP to flatline over the next two quarters, leading to 0.4% growth for this year. Longer term growth is also expected to be less than 1% for 2024 and 2025.  


“Businesses need to see a clear framework from politicians, outlining how long-term investment can be unlocked, and economic growth accelerated.” 

Residents in Edinburgh are being encouraged to hand in their unwanted laptops, phones, tablets, cameras and chargers to be refurbished and repaired for reuse as well as being passed on to people who suffer from digital poverty. The City of Edinburgh Council has partnered with the Edinburgh Remakery, an award-winning social enterprise committed to diverting waste from landfill and promoting a culture of repair and reuse, to help to make this happen.

Three tech donation centres have been set up at the following locations:

  • 13 Sept – 16 Oct : Central Library
  • 17 Oct – 20 Nov : Wester Hailes Library
  • 21 Nov – 13 Dec : South East Locality Office

So far, the Edinburgh Remakery has helped more than 400 people out of digital poverty by donating tech to them through their Tech Gifting Programme.

Council Leader Cammy Day said:

The idea is to make it as easy as possible for anyone to pass on their unwanted technology instead of throwing it away. An estimated 24 million old smartphones are kept as ‘spares’ in homes across the UK in cupboards or drawers so I’d encourage everyone across the city to have a clear out where you can and donate your old phones or other tech items to those on low incomes who really need them.

This project is also about tackling electronic waste, which is one of the fastest-growing and most polluting waste streams in the UK.

Chief Executive Officer The Edinburgh Remakery Elaine Brown said:

We are delighted that our tech Donation Boxes will be hosted in the three libraries.  The impact your donations will make cannot be underestimated.  Together we can contribute to the city’s ambitious net zero targets, ensure that tech can get a new lease of life and prevent valuable, finite resources going to landfill.  In addition, we will be able to give the gift of connectivity to people in our community experiencing digital poverty.  Together we can Waste less and Live More!

Through their activities, the Edinburgh Remakery estimated that they saved 83,087kg (CO2e) in CO2 emissions in 2022 – equivalent to 100 million smartphones being fully charged, or 1,400 trees grown for 10 years.

What you can donate:

  • Laptops and Macbooks
  • Tablets and iPads
  • Smart phones
  • DSLR cameras
  • General cables
  • Chargers
  • Headphones
  • Routers
  • Smart watches
  • Peripherals, such as keyboards, webcams, and mice.

Further information 

Reacting to the latest ONS labour market figures, Jane Gratton, Deputy Director Public Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce said: 


“Today’s figures show pay for individuals may be improving, but the current situation offers little comfort to businesses up and down the country. Firms are still struggling to contain wage inflation arising from candidate’s expectations and workforce pay settlements. 


“At the same time, recruitment issues remain a top concern for business. The latest research by the BCC shows record numbers of organisations reporting hiring difficulties – particularly in the hospitality, retail and manufacturing sectors.  


“The fall in the overall number of job vacancies reflects a weakening economic outlook and BCC’s Quarterly Economic Forecast published last week predicts further growth in unemployment during the next three years. 


“Underneath these headline figures the skills crisis continues and the labour market picture will remain challenging. Our message to policymakers is clear, invest in skills now for a more prosperous economy”. 

Global leaders in Diagnostics, Randox have introduced their new home testing kit for General Health.

The Randox Health, General Health home-testing kit allows you to understand your general health better with a comprehensive check of your cholesterol levels, liver function, iron levels and diabetes risk. The home test is available from £69.

Through testing each of these areas, gain actionable insights capable pf changing your health for the better. Our easy-to-interpret General Health test report will provide a breakdown of your results, what they mean and next steps available.

With Randox Health testing you can possess the knowledge to not only understand your current health status but also unlock the power to help improve and enhance your quality of life, through the lens of preventative healthcare.

With unrivalled insights into your health and modifiable risk factors associated with your unique biochemical fingerprint. Armed with this knowledge, you gain the ability to make informed choices, proactively shape your lifestyle, and venture towards age-defying viability, embracing a higher standard of wellbeing.

Randox Health’s home-testing range allows you to own your health and test for a range of key health concerns including Heart Health, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), Vitamin D, Covid-19 antibody, Thyroid Health, Vitamin B12 and AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) from the comfort of your own home with convenient home sample collection kits.

Why Get Tested?

If you’re not sure where to start with regards to looking at your health, our general health test kit is the perfect place to start. With this test we can establish a baseline on your health status by looking at cholesterol levels that can report risks of anaemia or haemochromatosis and a diabetes risk assessment that can identify type 2 diabetes at its most preventable stage.

Symptoms don’t have to be immediately apparent for any of the above conditions to be present, so a regular review of your health data is essential to understanding and maintaining consistently good health and wellbeing.

How it works; Collect your blood sample at home, an instructional video can be found on the Randox Health website. Register your Unique Reference Number (URN) online and return your sample to the lab for testing. Results will be available within 2-3 working days from receipt of sample at lab. Optional consultation with a MyHealthCare Doctor is also available.

The firm’s Renewable Energy team advises Atrato Onsite Energy plc on the latest phase in its growth strategy

Independent UK law firm Burges Salmon has advised Atrato Onsite Energy plc, an investment company focused on onsite clean energy generation, on its secured £30 million revolving credit facility with £20m accordion, agreed with NatWest Bank.

The funding will support Atrato Onsite Energy plc on the next stage of its growth strategy as the company looks to capitalise on its significant pipeline of opportunities.

The Burges Salmon team advising Atrato Onsite Energy plc was led by the firm’s Renewable Energy team with partners Graham Soar and Ross Fairley leading the team on the banking and due diligence aspects of the transaction.

Burges Salmon has a longstanding relationship with Atrato Onsite Energy plc having previously supported the company through a series of significant renewable energy projects, including three solar-focused transactions with a combined value of £67 million as well as an innovative 10-year Corporate Power Purchase Agreement with FTSE 250 global soft drinks business Britvic.

Graham Soar comments: “We’ve been working with Atrato Onsite Energy for a number of years, supporting its vision to develop the UK solar sector and unlock its opportunities to promote the decarbonisation of the economy. It has been a pleasure to work once again with the team on this exciting financing which marks an important step in their development strategy.”

Gurpreet Gujral, Managing Director of Atrato Partners Limited, says: “Burges Salmon has been a trusted legal advisor for a number of years, the firm has a strong grasp of renewable energy projects and understands our business vision well. We are delighted to have been able to put financing in place, which will underpin the next phase of the company’s growth and we are grateful for the assistance from the Burges Salmon team in helping us deliver this.”

Burges Salmon’s Renewable Energy team has over 20 years’ experience in the sector and is widely regarded as one of the sector’s leading firms.