Traveleads LogoTraveleads officially became a Living Wage Employer on the 28th of January 2015 after receiving their accreditation.

This accreditation ensures that all staff is paid at least the minimum living wage currently at £7.85, this stands at £1.35 above the National Minimum Wage.

The Living Wage is an independently set hourly rate updated annually and calculated accordingly to the basic cost of living in the UK.

Wayne Russell Sales Director for Traveleads said “We are delighted with the accreditation and feel that implementing the Living Wage is in line with our values as an ethical independent business operating within Scotland and the UK. This is not only good for us an employer but more importantly for the individual employee and society as a whole.”

The Scottish Living Wage Accreditation Initiative has been operating in Scotland since April 2014 and provides support and advice to organisations that wish to pay the living wage. More than 70 employers in Scotland are now accredited.

If you wish to learn more about Traveleads and our services please contact Wayne Russell on 0131 718 4000 or by e-mail at wrussell@traveleads.netTraveleads - Living Wage Emplyer

Little's LogoWe have been busy over the last few weeks updating our website and we are pleased to announce it’s now live.

Whether you are on your desktop, tablet or phone, our new drop down navigation allows you to find our company information and services with ease. Within our Leisure Tours page we have uploaded pdf sample itineraries giving you a taste of the sightseeing tours we offer.

We now feature a section on client testimonials giving you further information about our experience, back office support and on the ground operations when managing events, conferences and VIP movements.

The Little’s blog is a great way to keep up to date about what’s on in Scotland and any new services we have on offer. As 2015 is the Year of Food and Drink, our Operations Director / Touring Expert, Kenneth Good will blog monthly about his favourite Scottish culinary experiences, hoping to inspire our clients to discover Scotland this year.

Our new look website first launched in January 2014 as part of the Little’s rebrand. We are always looking to improve and look forward to adapting our website to suits our clients ever changing needs.

For more information about our services, contact our Business Development Manager, Harjeet Kaur Sandher on +44 (0)141 883 2111 or email

By Calum Brewster, Managing Director, Head of Wealth & Investment Management, Scotland, Northern Ireland, & North England.

The actions of central banks are once again at the forefront of investor thinking – whether it was the Swiss National Bank’s abandonment of its franc/euro peg, the Bank of Canada’s surprise interest rate change on Wednesday, continued mooting of when and how the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates, or the much-anticipated European Central Bank (“ECB”) announcement of its expanded quantitative easing (“QE”) program. All eyes are on the world’s monetary mandarins. The ECB’s program is the latest iteration of its quantitative easing efforts. It consists of asset purchases of investment grade securities of euro area government and agency bonds. The initial response of the markets to the program has been positive, as European equity markets advanced 1.62% and US markets 1.53%.

This latest program is an effort to arrest the decline in prices within the euro zone that has been in effect over the last year. This expanded action by the central bank will be helpful but incomplete in solving the nature of the euro zone’s core problem. Indeed, we wrote in a prior US In Focus (see The ECB and the Laws of Physics, June 6, 2014) that the ECB should have engaged in the effort sooner than it did, since the transmission of QE into economic activity is not direct. In short, trying to change the direction of any large body, especially the roughly $17 trillion euro bloc economy, takes time. Increasingly, if we assess the investor zeitgeist with the euro project, it appears to be running out of time, as a recycling of well-worn concerns, such as Greece’s role in the euro zone, demands attention.

As impressive and well-intentioned as the ECB’s exertions are, they are unlikely to solve the key reasons for the bloc’s economic sclerosis. Labour market rigidity, lack of fiscal probity, and bureaucracy that hinders business creation are issues that monetary policy cannot fix – central bankers have admitted as much. The solution here is the tripartite solution we wrote about in the November 2014 edition of Compass.

However, what the ECB has done will likely continue to put pressure on the euro relative to its trading partners, which will help both the economies and companies in the bloc in lowering their cost structures and generate higher earnings through their international operations. Consider the earnings of large Japanese companies against a backdrop of a weak yen; they enjoyed a surge in profits (and their stock prices), as the cost of goods sold were cheaper relative to the revenues earned in markets with a stronger currency. For investors, this is one of the primary benefits that likely await euro zone stocks.

The ECB’s announcement is not the “silver bullet” that slays deflation. It is the necessary first step on the path to a more durable response to the problems facing the economic bloc. The next steps now fall to the governments in the euro zone to reform labour and business laws and regulations. In some cases, fiscal stimulus will have to be launched to gin up spending from an austerity-battered populace, and workers will have to agree to the reforms so an economic vibrancy can take hold. Wishful thinking, probably – critical, absolutely.

Something to consider: the periphery of the euro zone has been engaged in a grinding austerity for the last seven years; its purpose has been to essentially lower the costs of doing business. Economists call it internal devaluation – everyone else calls it dreadful. This austerity has lowered costs in the periphery. Now with a cheaper currency, the economic bloc has effectively externally devalued, and by combining the impact of the external devaluation on operating costs, the bloc will become more competitive. Against this backdrop, conditions become ripe for the emergence of “green shoots of economic activity.”

From an investor’s perspective, the case for euro zone equities remains compelling: earnings are depressed, but costs of doing business have likely been reduced given years of austerity; and a cheaper currency is the catalyst for a lift in earnings – a view we have held for some time. Recent research from our Investment Bank colleagues bolsters our point from a technical perspective: sentiment toward European equities is negative, judging from negative investor flows into the market. Based on the performance of defensive sectors relative to cyclical sectors, investors don’t think QE will stimulate growth.

Switzerland will see a drop in economic growth, as people shop in Germany and France, using a strong franc to purchase materially less expensive goods in Euros, and as the cost structures of Swiss companies adjust to a significantly higher currency. A deflationary pull will emerge in the country, as companies cut prices to become more competitive. I have been told that a number of retailers and travel companies cut prices after the announcement. Indeed, I heard that Mercedes Benz cut prices of the cars it sells in Switzerland.

This comes hard on the heels of the Swiss National Bank (“SNB”) decision to abandon its 1.20 franc/euro peg, which has been in effect since 2011. To say the SNB decision was unexpected is an understatement. Indeed, within 48 hours prior to the announcement, a member of the executive board had reiterated the bank’s commitment to the peg. While the reasons that motivated the decision abound, the fact remains that they made the decision, and now what remains to be seen is the effects. These price declines will likely work their way into the inflation statistics. Watch for how the management of Swiss companies managed their cost structure while the peg was in place. Those who had the strategic foresight to plan for a stronger franc will be in much better shape than those who anchored themselves to the 1.20 franc/euro. The earnings season will be an interesting one, and it is one that will merit our attention.

I advanced the notion a couple of weeks ago that the strategy Saudi Arabia is taking as the swing producer in OPEC is to drive prices sharply lower long enough to destroy the willingness of energy companies to invest in new projects. The arc of the strategy runs something like this: prices below the average marginal cost of production take high-cost projects offline; projects approved but not started get put on hold; and capital budgets get slashed. This is happening. A recent BBC dispatch from Davos is a montage of reportage that makes the point; BP’s head said that the company is “planning for low oil prices for years to come,” and Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi noted the oil industry would cut capital expenditures by 10-13% in 2015. Furthermore BHP Billiton and Total were cited as planning to reduce their shale oil programs. This is how the willingness to invest is sapped.

Interestingly, OPEC Secretary General Abdullah al-Badri was quoted as saying: “We will go back to normal [returning to higher oil prices] very soon.”

Yes, I am sure you will.

Calum Brewster - Head of Wealth & Investment Management

Celebrating Edinburgh’s unique and diverse shopping experience, Edinburgh Fashion Week is the new must-attend event for anyone keen to discover the latest trends and be the first to see the city’s retailers’ latest spring/summer collections and exciting exclusives.

Transforming The Mound in to a sleek and stylish indoor fashion hub for the opening weekend (Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 March), residents and visitors are invited to a packed programme of free fashion shows, informal workshops and expert tutorials, all hosted by the Edinburgh’s favourite high street retailers, designer boutiques and independent stores.

Watch out for the likes of Reiss, Sam Brown, John Lewis, Covet, House of Fraser, Gap, ALC, Tommy Hilfiger, River Island, Kakao by K, Walker Slater, Jane Davidson, Next, Frontiers, Oliver Bonas and Armstrong’s Vintage Emporium to name just a few.

Whether a trend-setting fashionista or simply on the hunt for that one key piece to refresh your spring wardrobe, Edinburgh Fashion Week’s opening weekend programme brings wearable catwalk inspirations for all ages – and both sexes. Shoppers in the fashion hub can also browse a number of pop-up capsule stores, or simply relax, soak up the atmosphere and enjoy a tempting cocktail, refreshing beer or tasty bite.

Retailers across the city centre are embracing Edinburgh Fashion Week with a wide range of exclusive fashion discounts of at least 20% off, quality free gifts-with-purchase and exclusive in-store events for shoppers visiting throughout the week (7-15 March). For details on participating stores visit:

Part of the ‘This Is Edinburgh’ city-centre campaign, Edinburgh Fashion Week is a celebration of the city’s unique and diverse shopping experience and style. It is hoped the opening weekend event and exclusive in-store offers will draw more people into the city centre to enjoy Edinburgh’s wide selection of shops, bars and restaurants.

Andy Neal, Chief Executive, Essential Edinburgh said:

“A recent public survey by ‘This is Edinburgh’ found that 66.8% of people were more likely to visit the city centre than they were this time last year, with Edinburgh’s vibrant shopping scene cited as one of the key reasons people are coming back into the city centre. Over the last 12 months, we’ve also seen a steady rise in city centre footfall and retail sales, all of which are incredibly encouraging.

“That said, we are definitely not resting on our laurels and Edinburgh Fashion Week is about maintaining momentum and promoting the wonderful local independent, designer and high street shops available on our doorstep. Edinburgh is an incredibly stylish city and Edinburgh Fashion Week will offer something for all tastes, ages and budgets.”

Barry Blamire, Managing Director at John Lewis Edinburgh said:

“Edinburgh has such a terrific variety of retailers, from high street favourites like John Lewis, to the independent boutiques on Thistle Street and the Grassmarket. Edinburgh Fashion Week is about showcasing all of them, encouraging shoppers to get out and explore their city centre. With its fashion shows, tutorials and pop-up shops, the launch weekend on The Mound will be packed with spring/summer inspirations and hopefully introduce residents to a few new stores they may not have visited before.”

Edinburgh based Personal Shopper & Fashion Blogger, Laura Russell from Satisfashion, who will be leading some fashion tutorial sessions at The Mound launch event said:

“Edinburgh Fashion Week is exactly what the city has been waiting for. I know from my experience as a personal stylist that people are creatures of habit that tend to visit the same handful of shops every time. Edinburgh’s retailers have so much to offer, the launch event will be the ideal opportunity to get people out of their comfort zone, challenge their perceptions and pleasantly surprise them with some exciting fashion finds and refreshing new season looks.

“I’m looking forward to trying to capture that quintessential Edinburgh style, mixing higher end items with one off pieces from independent stores, or bargains from the high street.”

For the latest updates, event timetable, competitions and exclusive offers during Edinburgh Fashion Week, visit Share your Edinburgh fashion hidden gems on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #EdFashionWeek.

Investors in People1)Introducing Investors in People – 16/2/15 – 9-10.30 – £ free

Venue: Investors in People Scotland

Join us for breakfast and find out more about how Investors in People can help transform your business. This session will give you the opportunity to hear from an IIP expert on the benefits that we can bring to your organisation while also exploring the services and support that we can offer.

2)Building Capability – 23/2/15 – 9.30-15.30 – £99

Venue – Anderson Strathern

What does the workforce of the future look like?  How can we engage with young people at work so they can deliver their best performance?  What do we need to ensure is in place to support succession planning as we consider the needs of the business moving forward.

You are exploring the concept of what leadership means to you and your organisation and want to learn more about leading edge thinking about leadership for the future.  Through the sessions we will challenge some traditional views of the role of leader and will consider the implications to organisations.

As we move out of recession many organisations are refocusing their strategies around growth.  The natural resultant question is how do we get from here to there?  And importantly do we have the leadership capability to make the transition?  These sessions will help you to explore these leadership challenges, regardless of the size or sector of your organisation.

3) C.I.P.D Masterclass – 27/2/15 – 10-16 – £free

Venue – McDonald Rooms

These two topics will be delivered in a punchy and interactive 3-hour session – allowing us to maximise the benefit from CIPD’s renowned cutting-edge research. The remainder of the day will allow you to catch-up with the leadership team regarding business update, and to network with your colleagues.

4) Introducing Investors in Young People 5/3/15 – 9-11.30 – £0

Venue – Investors in People Scotland

We bring together like-minded organisations who are interested in finding out more about Investors in Young People and the benefits it can bring to your business. We will explore the new IIYP framework and how it can be implemented within your business.

Print Logo ESAFEdinburgh’s first ever student-led arts festival is to celebrate the creative work of students from Queen Margaret University (QMU), as well as four other universities and colleges around the capital from 5-13 February 2015.

The inaugural Edinburgh Student Arts Festival (ESAF) will be the city’s first arts festival solely run by Edinburgh students, including a mix of performance art, visual art, music, dance, exhibitions, talks, workshops and shows.

The festival programme will take place at venues as diverse and stunning as the Pleasance, Gayfield Creative Spaces and the Roxy. Performances and full day festival programmes will then take place over the weekend of Friday 6 February, Saturday 7 February and Sunday 8 February, followed by five days of exhibitions, stalls, talks, workshops and evening performances.

Associated performances and exhibitions will also take place at a number of satellite venues, including the Dundas Street February exhibition and the Churchill Theatre, where Edinburgh University Footlights Company will be performing its highly anticipated production of ‘Rent’.

QMU, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh College, Edinburgh Napier University and Heriot Watt University will all take part in the event.

ESAF was co-founded by Queen Margaret University Students’ Union Vice President, Johnny Elmer, and University of Edinburgh Student Association President, Briana Pegado.  The dynamic partnership has created a dedicated committee of over 30 creative students from across the Edinburgh colleges and universities.

Commenting on the launch of ESAF, Johnny Elmer from Queen Margaret University, said:  “We’re really excited about the launch of the first Edinburgh Student Arts Festival, which will showcase the work from over 250 students. The event will encompass and celebrate art in the widest form. We want to push the boundaries of common understandings of the word ‘art’ and encourage every member of our community to get involved.

“ESAF promises to be a superb week of stimulating and unique events. The Festival is also a fantastic opportunity for all the student unions and associations from the Edinburgh colleges and universities to work side-by-side for the first time.”

ESAF tickets are available online and from the venues’ respective box offices. A full festival pass is available for only £10 and offers access to all performances at the Festival.  A day pass is available each day of the Festival for just £5 per ticket, and those who wish to attend a single performance or workshop will pay only £3 per show. All visual arts exhibitions are free.

For more information visit:, like on Facebook and follow on Twitter @E_S_A_F

ESAF1ESAF3             ESAF7

Impact Arts LogoCome with us on a journey through time and space… To the world of puppet playhouse.Art Drama Camp - Impact Arts


Kangen Water Seminar

As a nation, Japan has one of the longest life expectancies in the world. The remarkable health of its people is due in part to high standards of culturally imposed nutrition, hydration and in part because of an excellent national healthcare focused on disease prevention.

So what do they do that we don’t?  For one thing – they drink much healthier water.

Enagic, Japanese medically certified manufactuer of electrolytic water generators, is the industry leader with its growing presence in Europe since 2008, individually recognised by the Japanese Association of Preventative Medicine for Adult Diseases, a renowned medical association. For the past 40 years Enagic’s compact devices have been extensively used in the Japanese healthcare system including veterinary clinics, as well as hospitality markets, fitness centers, beauty salons and personal households.

Based on her experience as well as her own extensive research into the properties of high quality electrolysed water, its impact to our health, the environment and business, Veronika Divincova, of Kangen Water Edinburgh, a leading representative in Scotland, will share with you key information in relation to:

  • Water as a nutrient
  • The role of excessive oxidative stress, iflammation and chronic disease in realtion to lifestyle choices (90% of all diseases are directly linked to excessive inflammation of our cells!)
  • The relevance of high quality electrolysed hydrogen-rich water (Kangen WaterTM) and itsanti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, high antioxidant properties
  • Electrolysed oxidising water, its antibacterial, antiseptic properties (applicable to eco-friendly disinfection, pesticide and foodborne pathogens removal and treatment of skin conditions)
  • Relevant scientific research
  • Demonstration of each types of water produced by the technology
  • Implcations for businesses (employees’ performance and various industries – e.g. offices, hospitality, health clinics etc.)
  • Enagic’s values and vision
  • Quality control
  • Financial benefits of Enagic’s patented referral programme

All attendess will have access to fresh  Kangen WaterTM during the event.

We look forward to welcoming you on the night.

Click here to book.

Heart of Midlothian Logo 1Heart of Midlothian Football Club is delighted to host the “One City” Business Breakfast Event: Making Work Pay on behalf of the Edinburgh Partnership.

The event is being held at Tynecastle Stadium, between 8:30 AM (for a 9:00 AM start) and 10.00 AM on Wednesday 4 February 2015.

The club is proud to announce that Ann Budge, Heart of Midlothian FC’s Chairwoman, will be the keynote speaker outlining the reasons why Hearts have adopted the Living Wage. Other local living wage employers including Standard Life, Rabbie’s and Bluebird Care will also share their perspectives.

You can send a question in advance for the panel to

To confirm your attendance please register online (link: Please note that places are limited.

The shop car park at McLeod Street will be available for guest parking.

We hope to see you there

Heart of Midlothian Football Club

ecoConnectWe would be delighted if you could join us at our next ecoConnect forum on Future Cities & Scotland: Moving Vision to Reality

Key issues will be debated by our Expert Panel:

Richard Bellingham, Director, Institute for Future Cities
John Gilmour, Biffa Waste Services Ltd
George Kirk, Cities Director, Scottish Power
Alastair Brown, Head of Sustainability, Glasgow City Council 

Moderated by: Nathan Goode, Partner, Grant Thornton

Our panellists will lead the discussion followed by audience Q&A. 

Read more about the forum and view the delegate list

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Glasgow is at the forefront of the sustainable cities programme in Scotland – what are the achievements & lessons that can be transferred to other cities?
  • If policy is being devolved, do councils have the infrastructure & resources to implement wide-ranging changes? Are knowledge-sharing networks in place?
  • How can & should waste management – one of the key challenges for future cities & an example of existing infrastructure requiring an innovative approach – fit into the framework?
  • What is the role of & how crucial is integrated energy planning to the development of future cities?
  • What is the impact of hard infrastructure innovations – eg. lighting & energy generation – how will successes be measured?
  • Where is policy being turned into action in a way that the future cities ‘story’ can be understood by businesses and the wider community?

4 February 2015
5.00pm – 8.00pm

Followed by a drinks & networking reception

Grant Thornton UK LLP
Conference Square, 7 Exchange Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 8AN

£30 + VAT for non-members
ecoConnect Members attend at a 50%-100% discount

To Register for the event please click on the link below: