Hutchinson Networks is pleased to announce Cloud Summit 2015, taking place on May 20th, 2015 at the The Royal Scots Club in Edinburgh.

This event will bring together IT and Cloud professionals to talk about the most recent Cloud topics, especially relating to the private and public clouds, and what companies should consider before making the leap from traditional IT networking solutions.

Key topics for discussion will be:

• How organisations can effectively use the Private and Public Clouds
• The barriers that obstruct Cloud adoption
• InterCloud
• Cloud Security

Cloud Summit 2015 is aimed at IT and Cloud professionals, CTOs, CEOs, high-level engineers, cloud technicians and anyone with an interest in the future of Cloud technology and their organisation’s IT network infrastructure.

The Summit will take place from 2.30pm with light refreshments served on arrival. Industry experts will discuss their key points between 3pm and 5pm, after which there will be an opportunity for questions and networking over drinks. You can find a copy of the agenda here

The Summit is FREE to attend but registration is required and space is limited.
Please register by emailing and feel free to share this link with any of your colleagues that may benefit from attending the Hutchinson Networks Cloud Summit 2015.

Following the retirement of Lynne Carr as CEO of Impact Arts, we are delighted to announce that Lisa Maclean will be leading the organisation as Director.

Lisa Maclean

Lisa, who previously served as a board member of Impact Arts, is stepping up from her role as Business Development Director. Lisa is a Saltire Foundation Entrepreneurship Fellow and was previously Executive Director of INSP- International Network of Street Papers.
Impact Arts’ Chairperson, John Downie said:

“The board has worked alongside Lisa for over a year now and in her new role as Director, she will be a tremendous asset for Impact Arts, leading the organisation forward. She brings with her a high level of experience and skill in organisational and business development and has a strong affiliation with the arts.
“I am delighted she is joining us at this pivotal time for Impact Arts and the board and Senior Team looks forward to working closely with her to help build upon the social and creative impact we have across Scotland.”
Lisa said:

“Impact Arts does incredible work using the arts as a positive tool for social change. I am excited to be working alongside such a creative and committed team, and to build on the work carried out by my talented predecessors.

“Impact Arts is at an exciting stage of development and we have ambitious plans for the future. We’ve been working with the concept of using art to change lives for a number of years, but there is still much to be done. I am confident that alongside my team, I can help make this happen.”

Impact Arts has a new Strategic Plan in place following involvement in the Big Lottery’s Better by Design Programme and the charity recently won the Training Provider of the Year award at the Creative and Cultural Skills Awards.


After Edinburgh Rugby’s exciting European Cup quarter final win over London Irish on Sunday, the club has secured the semi final at BT Murrayfield on Friday 17 April (kick-off 7.45pm) against Newport Gwent Dragons. This is the first time a European semi final has been played in Scotland and Edinburgh are the only Scottish team still in European competition.

We’ve had a great response so far, with 2500 tickets sold in the first 36 hours on being on sale for this match – making this the fastest-selling Edinburgh game since the record-breaking European quarter-final against Toulouse in 2012! – and it would be fantastic to get a massive crowd to cheer on the team to the Cup Final and do it for Scotland!

The stadium will have reserved seating in the east stand and a west pitchside standing area of around 700 capacity (subject to availability). You can purchase tickets online and print them at home, call our ticket centre on 0131 346 5160 or come along to the Ticket Centre on Roseburn Street in person. Tickets are £20 (adults), £10 (concessions) and £5 (under-18s).

The Scottish Business Voice Campaign, led by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network, will present a series of Business Asks to inform the role our Governments and politicians can play to build on Scotland’s key strengths and opportunities.

Today, Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network puts forward its “Business Asks” to enable more businesses to internationalise and expand Scotland’s reach across the globe.

The Scottish business community is asking that:-

• Scotland and the UK must remain within the European Union, ensuring that Scotland’s businesses continue to benefit from the single European market, which is worth £12.9 billion a year to Scottish exporters, supporting Scottish jobs.

• More readily available export finance and more cohesive, locally tailored, offerings, contributing to the growth in the number of Scottish exporters to 20,000 by 2025.

• International languages of business must be mandatory in the education curriculum from Primary 1 onwards and opportunities for overseas study must become mandatory for university degrees by 2020.

• Immediately devolving and abolishing Air Passenger Duty to ensure that the cost of air travel is reduced by £251m per year, enabling the creation of at least 3,800 jobs and £1 billion of additional economic value to Scotland by 2020.

• Develop a world-class, global business-to-business network to support and develop Scotland’s businesses, including developing a distinct Scottish international brand and providing direct mentoring support to prospective Scottish exporters by 2016.

Liz Cameron OBE, Director and Chief Executive of Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“A number of Scotland’s businesses are already succeeding on a global scale but there are simply not enough of them. If we are to become a more dynamic, broadly based and growing economy, then many more businesses will need to take full advantage of the opportunities provided by international trade. This is the time for us, the Scottish business community, to take the lead and for the Chamber Network to utilise our unparalleled international business connections, tapping into the potential of new international markets and orders.

“Our Governments have historically set targets for increasing the value of our international exports. This has merit, but a welcomed additional target would be to increase the number of Scottish businesses involved in exporting, both in goods and services. This is an area where we are lagging behind as a nation and which urgently needs to be addressed. We need a change of direction and speed in relation to how we engage and support businesses on the ground to ensure they are equipped, informed and supported to turn these opportunities into new orders, creating new jobs. This imperative has been recognised this week by the independent Cole Commission, which has recommended a bold new partnership approach between Government and business on international trade.

“If we want to be more international, then we need to think more international, beginning in our schools, where international business languages must be taught from primary school right through to the end of secondary schooling and beyond. Over the past two decades, the number of students studying modern languages at Higher or equivalent has fallen by over 20%. This is a damaging trend which needs to be reversed. We should look more closely at where economic growth will be attained and that should determine the languages delivered by the supply side, ensuring the curriculum reflects needs of business more.

“Business has fought a long and successful battle to persuade the UK Government to agree to devolve Air Passenger Duty to Scotland. This must now be done without delay and the Scottish Government must act immediately to abolish this tax on trade. Edinburgh Airport last month predicted that even the Scottish Government’s planned 50% cut in the tax could deliver almost a million additional passengers per year through Scotland’s airports by 2020, supporting around 3,800 new jobs and producing £1 billion of additional economic value to our economy by 2020. 

“Firms have told us that remaining as part of the EU single market is in the best interests of Scotland with current and future exporters citing the EU as their main target market for exporting goods and services. By all means seek reform, for example around what constitutes state aid and how we can make public procurement work for small businesses in Scotland, but having yet another referendum in Scotland would create uncertainty and, as Scottish business leaders, our energy and efforts are, and will continue to be, devoted to growing our economy and creating jobs.”

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Queen Margaret University (QMU), Edinburgh, has become the first university in the UK to have been shortlisted for a top public relations award from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR).

The public relations team at QMU has beaten off stiff competition from across the country to be named a finalist in the new STEM campaign category for the CIPR Excellence Awards 2015. The STEM award category recognises a successful public relations campaign or project undertaken by or on behalf of a company operating specifically in the Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics sectors.

The Excellence Awards are the public relations profession’s leading awards. They recognise and celebrate the outstanding work of individuals, teams and consultancies across the UK and overseas.

As the profession’s chartered body, the CIPR don’t give out awards lightly. Their 90-strong team of expert judges select the shortlist and hold panel interviews with the successful entrants in each category.

QMU’s campaign focused on the launch of the first Scottish Centre for Food Development & Innovation at the University in December 2014, how it is enhancing Scotland’s position as a leader in food and drink innovation in Europe and is supporting access to the global market for healthy and functional food.

The ‘Recipe for Success’ campaign was inspired by QMU’s history, having been established in 1875 to tackle dietary issues facing the urban poor; alongside the relevance of that history to the current news agenda and government policy. Today, the University’s food and drink expertise ranges from nutritional analysis through to development of functional products enhancing health, which offer practical solutions for industry.

As part of the campaign, QMU created a promotional film highlighting the Centre’s academic expertise and commercial partnerships, which can now be viewed and shared online:

Commenting on the CIPR Excellence Award shortlist announcement, Lynne Russell, Communications Manager at QMU, said: “We’re really proud to have become the first university in the UK to have been shortlisted in the new STEM category for the CIPR Excellence Awards 2015.

“Reaching the shortlist is really something to shout about, as it shows that QMU is at the top of its game as a shining example to the PR profession.”

The overall award winners will be announced at a special ceremony in London on 3rd June 2015.

For more information on CIPR Excellence Awards 2015, visit:

The University of Edinburgh Business School  is providing industry delegates with the opportunity to join a number of 2 day Masterclasses in April and May: 

Leading Strategic Change – 21/22 April 2015

In our increasingly complex and interconnected world, nothing stands still for long. For leaders, the challenge is to understand how to navigate the latest developments and lead strategic change in response.  But the processes which lead to effective transformation are often still ill-understood, and more than 70% of planed organisational change fails.  Drawing on real-world experiences and practical exercises grounded in the latest theoretical advances, this two-day programme will equip leaders with the skills required to understand why change is needed and how to deliver it, effectively and sustainably.

The masterclass is delivered by Professor John Amis, Chair in Strategic Management and Organisation, University of Edinburgh Business School

Who should attend? Members of private, public, and non-profit organisations who are interested in learning more about how to lead change in their organisations and/or groups.

Cost £895.  Tea and Coffee breaks and lunch on both days is provided as well as all course materials, and a formal dinner at the end of day 1.  There is a 20% discount for University of Edinburgh Alumni and staff – please contact: for more details.

Booking Deadline – 14th April 2015 9am  To find out more and to register please click here

Numbers, Governance and Leadership – 7/8 May 2015

Numerical calculations have come to set our view of the world. These practices shape the way businesses report on their activity, influence structures of governance and drive the way organisations define strategies and leadership.  But in the drive to develop tools and regulations to rationalise the world around us, have we devalued the role of reflexion and judgement?  This masterclass will equip participants with a critical understanding of the function and use of financial data, beyond basic compliance, to make complex judgements on the risks and opportunities facing their organisations.  Using an interdisciplinary approach based on concrete business examples, it will deliver new insights on the role of the finance function in organisations and develop participants ability to improve corporate governance and make informed leadership decisions.

Who should attend? Senior managers and Directors, including CFOs and CIOs, within both the private and public sector, who design and operate reporting and information systems, and wish to return judgement into their decision making. Also, executives involved in managing large projects and change management programmes, as well as those in charge of the finance function and governance within their organisation.

Cost £895.  Tea and Coffee breaks and lunch on both days is provided as well as all course materials, and a formal dinner at the end of day 1. There is a 20% discount for University of Edinburgh Alumni and staff – please contact: for more details.

Booking Deadline – 30th April 2015 9am To find out more and to register please click here

If you have any queries about the masterclasses then please contact:  or to see other Executive Education activities available at the University of Edinburgh Business School, please click here (


For the first time, industry delegates have the opportunity to join a select number of week-long MBA options courses.

Joining the current MBA cohort, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the subject area, refresh their skills and find out what it’s like to be part of the MBA.

The available course options are as follows:

Negotiation skills 27 April – 1 May 2015 (Booking deadline – 13th April 2015)
Project management 4 May – 8 May 2015 (Booking deadline – 20th April 2015)

Each course fee is £1505 and includes all tuition and course materials but excludes any textbooks and accommodation.
There is a 20% discount for University of Edinburgh Alumni and staff.

For more information and details on the application process, please see: or contact:

Here is a quick checklist of the key employment law changes coming into effect in April 2015

1. Increased rates and limits for 2015/16

From 5 April – Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Adoption Pay, Statutory Paternity Pay (Ordinary and Additional) and the newly introduced Statutory Shared Parental Pay will be £139.58 per week.

From 6 April – Statutory Sick Pay will increase to £88.45 per week (from £87.55 per week).

New limits will apply for dismissals where the effective date of termination falls on or after 6 April:
• The maximum amount of a week’s pay (for the purposes of calculating statutory redundancy payments and the basic award in unfair dismissal claims) will increase to £475 (from £464).
• The maximum compensatory award for unfair dismissal will be increased to £78,335 (or 52 weeks’ pay, if lower).

2. Shared Parental Leave
The new rights of Shared Parental Leave (and Pay) apply to parents of babies due on or after 5 April. Similar rights apply to adoptive parents and to parents of children born through a surrogacy arrangement. See our previous e-update for further details of the new regime.

3. Unpaid Parental Leave
From 5 April, the right to take up to 18 weeks’ unpaid parental leave will be extended to parents of children under 18. The right currently only applies to parents of children under 5 (unless the child is disabled).

4. Adoption Leave
From 5 April, the rights of adopters will be brought into line with those of mothers taking maternity leave. These will include the following:-
• Statutory Adoption Pay will be enhanced to 90% of average earnings for the first 6 weeks for the “primary adopter”. This is in line with Statutory Maternity Pay.
• Adoption leave will become a “day 1” right. So, there will no longer be a 26-week qualifying period.
• Adopters will have new rights to time off for adoption appointments.

5. National Insurance
From 6 April, employers’ national insurance will not be due in relation to employees under 21. The exemption will apply to earnings up to the upper secondary threshold. This is the same as the upper earnings limit which is currently £815 per week or £42,385 per year. Employers must therefore ensure they maintain accurate records of the dates of birth of employees in order to ensure that the national insurance is processed correctly.

Employers should update their policies to reflect the forthcoming changes outlined above. MacRoberts Employment law team can advise and assist you on this.

Wold host

A great opportunity to get off to an effective start to the approaching tourist season by motivating and refreshing your service

Give your managers and supervisors the knowledge and coaching skills to create a real customer service culture in your business.

£95 per delegate
0930-1630 – City Art Centre in Market Street, Edinburgh

If your business deals with customers on a daily basis, training your front-line staff to deliver great service is essential. But it’s important not to forget the vital role your managers and supervisors play in making sure that service runs smoothly.
If your managers and supervisors understand the value of excellent customer service, and how to coach their team members to deliver it, they will not only maintain and improve service standards in your business – they’ll also attract new customers.
That’s where the WorldHost Principles of Supervising Customer Service Performance programme can help. We can give your managers and supervisors those vital skills, helping you to build a real customer service culture in your business – from the top down.
What you will learn:
This one-day programme will show your managers and supervisors:
• Why their role is essential to delivering a great customer experience
• How to lead by example and demonstrate fantastic service
• How developing their team can improve service standards
• Techniques to motivate and coach their team members
• How to develop and implement clear customer service standards
• Actions to take when customer service goes wrong
• How to monitor and measure their team’s customer service performance
• How to use those measurements to improve future performance
The course is highly interactive and delivered by Catherine Bowie, one of Scotland’s leading tourism trainer with 20 years of training experience. Expect high-energy content, plenty of interaction and ready to use tips on how to energise and create dynamic teams, capable of delivering great service.

More information from or or by telephone 07771 624019

Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) has beaten tough new targets to cut food and associated packaging waste and increase recycling in a UK-wide Hospitality and Food Service voluntary agreement.

The agreement aims to cut food and associated packaging waste by 5% and increase the overall rate of food and packaging waste, which is being recycled, sent to anaerobic digestion or composted, up to 70% by 2015.

EICC has achieved a 5.1% reduction in total food and packaging waste volumes down from 87.0 tonnes to 82.6 tonnes, against a baseline established in 2012. In the same period EICC delivered a well above industry average 7.6% increase in its food and packaging waste recycling rate, up from 75.2% to 82.7%.

Welcoming the audit results EICC chief executive, Marshall Dallas said:

“A focus on waste reduction meets a clearly expressed need from our customers who rate concern for the environment highly when making venue choices and makes sound business sense because it maintains downward pressure on operating cost.”

The Hospitality and Food Service voluntary agreement is supported in Scotland by Zero Waste Scotland and WRAP. These government agencies provide support and funding, including free practical tools and training to tackle the estimated 53,500 tonnes of food waste that is currently disposed of every year in the Scottish hospitality industry.

EICC recently appointed resource recovery specialists, Olleco to process cooking oils and other food waste diverting them from landfill. The company converts waste into renewable resources such as biodiesel and biogas.