Things continue to look up in Edinburgh and we are making excellent progress towards our Strategy for Jobs. I invite you to watch our new short film, which shows, through case studies, how the strategy is working to create and retain jobs across the city.

In our City Centre, the Edinburgh 12 continues to demonstrate effective partnership working between the Council and the development community. Working with Artisan, developers of New Waverley, we have formed a collaborative group which will work with the local community to consider projects which will further enhance the attractiveness of the development to residents, businesses and visitors. With a potential pot of £200,000 available, possibilities range from public realm enhancements to public art.

On investment promotion, we have launched a new digital Edinburgh Hotel Prospectus 2015 in partnership with Scottish Development International. This highlights the current strength of the tourism market in the capital and the potential for future hotel development and investment. The app, which is fully interactive and has been designed for tablets and desktops, will be updated every quarter and can be viewed at You can also download the digital app via the Apple app Store ‘EdinHotelProsp’ or via the Google Play app Store ‘ EdinHotelProsp2015’.

Our local businesses have been performing very well too, with over 1,000 new Start-Up businesses and over 600 Growth companies supported between April 2014 and the end of February 2015.

The tremendously successful Open Innovation Project, funded through the Interreg IVB North West Europe Programme has come to an end. The €10m project, led by the City of Edinburgh Council, worked collaboratively to promote economic growth and innovation by encouraging businesses, communities and universities to adopt more open and collaborative approaches to innovation. Outputs recorded by the project since its launch in 2010 include:

  • 170 new enterprises and 265 jobs created;
  • 223 new products and processes developed;
  • 1,227 organisations with improved innovation capacity.

It is welcoming to see levels of unemployment in the city back to pre-recession levels, which at 1.9% (JSA Claimants, February 2015) is also below the Scottish and UK average. To help build on this, the Council and its partners are re-shaping our Integrated Employability Hub Service to meet the more intense support needs for the longer term unemployed who have multiple barriers to progression. We are also keen to embed robust referral protocols with specialist services to ease the employability journey for customers.

As always, you can keep up to date with the progress at, and I would welcome any feedback to .


The wider economic impact of the investment, mentoring and management support activities of the Scottish angel investing group, Archangel Investors, is to be explored in a new study.

Archangels, which has been investing in early stage companies since 1992, has commissioned the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship at Strathclyde Business School to carry out the study. Dr Niall MacKenzie and Margaret Coughtrie will examine the economic impact of Archangels and the companies in which it has invested.

Specifically, the study will examine: job creation; revenue generation; sales revenues; profitability; and overall gross value added. The study’s findings are expected to be published in the summer of 2015.

Archangels was established by entrepreneurs, Mike Rutterford and Barry Sealey, in 1992 following their successful investment in what was to become Optos plc upon its flotation in 2006. Optos recently agreed to be acquired by Japanese group, Nikon, for £259m.

Since its inception, Archangels whose business model is built on investors pooling their resources to support Scottish businesses principally in the high tech and life sciences sectors, has supported a total of 80 companies – many with multiple rounds of investment funding. Archangels now has over 70 investor members.

David Ovens, Chief Operating Officer at Archangels, said:
“We know how much has been invested over the last 23 years and how much has been returned to investors, but that’s only part of the story. To truly understand the impact that Archangels has had, we need to dig deeper. How many jobs have been created? How much profit has been generated? How successful have our invested companies been? What have they contributed to the Scottish economy? These are the real measures of success and we’re keen to know the answers.”

Dr Niall MacKenzie of the University of Strathclyde said:
“Early stage investment is of fundamental importance to helping companies grow and realise their potential. To this end Archangels have played a critical role in developing some of Scotland’s brightest companies and entrepreneurial culture and the Hunter Centre are delighted to engage with them on such an important subject. We have developed an innovative framework of analysis which captures both the investment process and its impacts. We are looking forward to using this to assess the impact Archangels have had, and will no doubt continue to have in the future, on Scottish companies and beyond.”

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Standard Life, the UK’s biggest workplace pension provider, is removing all entry criteria for its Good to Go auto enrolment pension – opening it up to all employers left to stage.

Previously, the scheme had three main criteria: a minimum of five members, a minimum average contribution level, and a limit on the proportion of members on short-term contracts.

Since auto enrolment began in 2012, Standard Life has helped over 3,800 employers to set up Qualifying Workplace Pension Schemes for their employees. With the right data to hand, its Good to Go solution provides employers with automated quote, application and scheme set-up in less than six minutes. From the end of March 2015, Standard Life will remove all minimum eligibility criteria, paving the way for any small or medium-sized business which has not already staged to enrol their employees quickly and efficiently into a high quality pension proposition.

Standard Life currently looks after more than 1.6 million UK workplace customers – almost 500,000 of whom joined through auto enrolment.

Alan Ritchie, Head of Employer & Trustee Proposition at Standard Life, said: “We believe it’s important that all employers have access to a high quality auto enrolment proposition that can deliver great outcomes for their employees. That’s why we’re making our flagship solution available to all employers who haven’t yet staged, no matter what their size. Our move addresses the auto enrolment needs of the 40,000 small and medium-sized employers expected to stage during 2015 and the hundreds of thousands of employers who will stage in 2016 and 2017. Good to Go moves from strength to strength in its ability to ease the enrolment journey for businesses throughout the UK.”

Capital Document SolutionsOffice equipment specialist Capital Document Solutions has teamed up with technology giant Konica Minolta to benefit customers in the Scottish housing sector.

Capital has upgraded its Commercial Associate Membership with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) – the national representative body for Scotland’s housing associations and co-operatives – from Silver to Gold.

The business was supported by long-standing partner Konica Minolta in its membership upgrade. A Konica Minolta 5 Star Gold Partner, Capital employs more than 215 people across Scotland supporting businesses and organisations in the private and public sectors.

Capital serves an ever increasing client base in the Scottish housing sector, including the Wheatley Group (Glasgow, Cube and Loretto Housing Associations and the West Lothian Housing Partnership), NG Homes, Barony Housing Association and Berwickshire Housing Association.

Alister Watt, Contract Manager at Capital Document Solutions, said: “We’re delighted to have this prestigious level of SFHA membership. It speaks volumes of our company’s expertise and reputation for excellent customer service.

“Our knowledge and understanding of the housing market has led to many successful partnerships and we see it is as an important area in the continued success of the company.”

Gordon Sheppard, Area Account Manager at Konica Minolta, said: “We’re delighted to partner with Capital Document Solutions in this vital sector. Together, we can bring real benefits to customers in the Scottish housing sector through our companies’ industry-leading products and solutions.”

Scotland’s largest independent supplier of office equipment and document solutions, Capital will be exhibiting at the SFHA’s annual conference at the Doubletree Dunblane Hydro on June 3rd-4th (Stand 18), as well as its finance conference at the Crieff Hydro Hotel on November 10th-11th.

Visitors to Capital’s stand will receive expert advice on the latest office technology as well as guidance on how businesses and organisations can make substantial cost savings, improve document processes, increase security and minimise their impact on the environment.

In 2013, Capital was re-appointed as a successful supplier on the Scottish Government’s National Framework Agreement for Office Equipment for the second successive term.

The company, which has operations in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen, Inverness and Shetland, provides copiers, printers, scanners and software with comprehensive national maintenance and training support. Capital is ideally placed to look after all print and document content needs for housing associations, large or small, regardless of location.

For further information visit

Alister Watt, Contract Manager & Gordon Sheppard, Area Account Manager

Alister Watt, Contract Manager at Capital Document Solutions & Gordon Sheppard, Area Account Manager at Konica Minolta


City of Edinburgh Council


Residents and visitors in Edinburgh are to benefit from free wi-fi in 70 public buildings across the city as part of the City of Edinburgh Council’s Connected Capital Programme.

Attractions such as the majority of Edinburgh Leisure centres and the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Zoo and Dynamic Earth, will be live in time for Easter and the rest will come on line in the coming weeks and months. Those travelling on Edinburgh’s trams and Lothian Buses are already benefitting from free wi-fi as part of project being rolled out. Edinburgh is one of 22 cities across the UK benefiting from the Government’s SuperConnected Cities £150m Programme, which is being delivered through Broadband Delivery UK.

Councillor Frank Ross, Economy Convener, said: “This is great news as the new service will mean that everyone will be able to get free access to the latest information on their favourite apps and websites while out and about and when going to the gym, taking in some art or when taking their children to one of Edinburgh’s many museums. It is also great timing as some of the attractions gearing up for Easter crowds already have public wi-fi installed. This project is central to the Council’s plans for growing the city economy, and encouraging residents and visitors to stay longer and increase their spend.”

Hugh Wallace, Head of Digital Media, National Museum of Scotland, said: “We’re already seeing a healthy level of uptake, and people connecting to the service are then linking to museum-based material on our website (what’s on information, downloadable apps, e-newsletter sign-up). When we fully promote the service we will encourage the sharing of content, engagement with the museum’s collections, and offer further downloadable options – something we hope will provide a real step change for our visitors.”

Culture Secretary Sajid Javid said: “I’m delighted Edinburgh took up the challenge to become one of the UK’s Superconnected Cities as part of the Government programme. It’s vital that our cities have the digital infrastructure like superfast broadband and wifi in place to deal with the demands of the digital age. Our investment in Edinburgh has delivered a welcome boost to the local economy, and is all part of our long term economic plan.”

Buildings that currently have free wi-fi:

• Edinburgh Zoo
• National Museum of Scotland
• Dynamic Earth
• All Edinburgh Leisure centres with the exception of Warrender Swim Centre and the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena (EICA)

City of Edinburgh Council


A partnership of local authorities is aiming to win a £1bn city deal, under ambitious plans announced today.

The Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region – comprising Edinburgh, Borders, Fife, Mid-, East and West Lothian councils – will work together to develop a deal with the Scottish and UK Governments designed to grow the local, national and UK economies. At the heart of the proposition lies a £1bn infrastructure fund, with priority areas for investment likely to include transport, housing, economic regeneration, energy and digital connectivity.It is estimated that an additional £3.2bn of private sector investment could be leveraged, generating tens of thousands of new jobs and providing a sustainable 5% uplift to the local economy.

The deal will be targeted at maximising the opportunities afforded by the world class research base, and would look to exploit the wide range of technologies being pioneered across the city region.
Any investment would be supported by a complementary package of skills and innovation measures, such as business-led training academies in key growth sectors.
Speaking on behalf of the six local authorities, City of Edinburgh Council Leader, Andrew Burns, said:

“I am delighted to be working with our five neighbouring local authorities to pursue a deal for the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region. In creating this fund, we want to build on our strengths whilst tackling persistent pockets of inequality and other constraints that threaten to hold the region back.

“Our next step will be to seek UK and Scottish Government agreement on the development of a detailed proposition; one that we believe can unlock billions of pounds of potential infrastructure investment, thereby ensuring the continued growth and reduction in inequality across one of Europe’s most successful city region economies. Assuming a positive response from ministers, detailed work on prioritising potential investment and ensuring that the overall programme also addresses inequality would continue in partnership with representatives from both governments.”


Heart of Midlothian Football Club is delighted to announce a ground-breaking new partnership with Save the Children.

The club is immensely proud that it will be the first-ever club in the UK to carry the name of a national charity on its home and away shirts from next season.

The partnership is being funded through philanthropy in a seven-figure three-year deal that supports both the club and the charity.

The donation brings investment equivalent to that enjoyed by the country’s top Scottish Premiership clubs and will provide critical financial support for the continuation of the club’s impressive revival. It will fund work both on and off the pitch, as key infrastructure is repaired and the club’s Academy programme that will produce the stars of tomorrow is strengthened.

A separate donation from the benefactors will enable Save the Children to deliver much-needed support to children and families throughout Edinburgh in a manner that is wholly complementary to the activities of the Big Hearts Trust. This landmark collaboration with Save the Children will provide basic household essentials for families with young children, as well as delivering family-focused support that enables children to get the most out of school. Big Hearts Trust will also receive a donation to fund their work within the local community.

Ann Budge, Chair and CEO of Heart of Midlothian FC commented: “The benefactors are wholly supportive of the way in which the club is being rebuilt and of the values that underpin its activities. As the team is restored to its rightful place in the SPFL, we can use the magical formula of football to enhance the lives of children and families in the community. It’s a perfect match.”

Neil Mathers, Save the Children’s Head of Scotland said: “To have Save the Children’s name on Heart of Midlothian FC football shirts is an absolute honour – and a perfect match for our charity. It’s a fantastic opportunity for Save the Children and will allow us to reach many more children across Edinburgh, helping them to get the best start in life and achieve their potential.”

Ann Park, Head of Commercial Operations at Heart of Midlothian FC added: “The decision to donate money in this way has been inspired by the ethos of community that the new regime at Tynecastle has been working so hard to build and which is now deeply embedded in the club and, of course, by the work undertaken by Save the Children. “This is an outstanding act of philanthropy that provides the equivalent commercial benefits to the club for naming rights on the shirt and supports the work of Save the Children in the Edinburgh community.”

Edinburgh Airport is gearing up for a busy weekend as families descend on the airport for their annual Easter breaks.

Between today and Easter Monday, almost 80,000 passengers will depart from the airport, with many heading off to sunnier climes like Malaga in Spain and for city breaks to places like Paris, Amsterdam and Dublin. Of course many families will also be travelling within the UK to visit friends and relatives with London, Bristol and Belfast being the most popular domestic destinations.
With so many people taking off from Edinburgh there are also thousands of passengers arriving to spend the weekend in Edinburgh or the surrounding area. Almost 69,000 people are expected to fly into Edinburgh between today and Monday.

Gordon Dewar, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Airport said: “Easter is always a very busy time at Edinburgh Airport as thousands of people travel through the terminal. It’s a time when many people are travelling to visit friends and relatives and we’re here to make sure their journey is as enjoyable as possible. “Easter passenger numbers have increased by 18% this year compared to 2014 as Easter has fallen at the start of the school holidays. Traditional sunshine destinations like Malaga and Paris are still very popular as people jet off for some early sunshine. Of course many families will be staying in the UK and travelling to places down south like Bristol and London.”

“The addition of new longhaul services over the last year means that passengers are now able to travel further afield from Edinburgh to destinations like Istanbul. Although we’re not anticipating any issues, certain peaks over the next few days will be very busy so we’re encouraging passengers to be ready for security and ensure all liquids, gels and pastes are 100ml or less and are presented in clear plastic bags.We hope all of our passengers have a great time wherever they’re travelling to.”

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Following a number of recent break-ins to business premises within the City Centre, Police Scotland would like to offer the following advice. This guidance may help prevent your business being targeted. Community Police officers within the City Centre will be carrying out dedicated patrols in an effort to detect and deter those responsible for these crimes of dishonesty.

• Always remove cash from premises at close of business each day.
• Ensure your locks are tested to British Standard.
• Window locks should be fitted where appropriate.
• Display a sign prominently on the door of the premises out with business hours, advising potential thieves that NO CASH IS HELD ON THE PREMISES.
• Do not leave cash in the till on the shop floor out with business hours.
• If your till point is visible from outside the shop, leave it lying open with the empty till tray on view.
• Remove valuable items from window displays at close of business to discourage ‘smash and grab’ thefts.
• Laptop computers and mobile phones are favourite housebreaking targets. These should be locked away or removed from the premises at close of business.
• Consider investing in a safe for storage of cash and valuables. A safe should be securely fixed to the fabric of the building and should only be used for short-term storage of cash.
• Consider installing an intruder alarm system. More information can be found on alarm systems and monitoring at
• Consider the installation of internal/external security shutters.
• Do cash runs to the bank in pairs where possible.

If your business is broken into, please follow these steps to prevent becoming a repeat victim:

• Phone 101 to report to local Police.
• Arrange for replacement glass as a matter of urgency, this may take time to order, deliver and fit.
• Arrange for the window or door to be securely boarded whilst awaiting replacement glazing.
• Don’t remove remaining glass from the frame until replacement glass is ready to be fitted, this can act as a deterrent.
• Remove all valuable stock and cash from the premises until the proper security is fully reinstated.

Scottish_Chamber_logoThe Scottish Business Voice Campaign, led by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network, will present a series of Business Asks to inform the role politicians can play to build on Scotland’s key industry sectors.
From the 2nd April,  Scottish Chambers of Commerce puts forward the Business Asks on how to Build on Scotland’s Tourism Successes.

The Scottish Business Voice calls for:

A reduction in the UK rate of VAT chargeable on accommodation, tourist attraction admission and restaurant services to 5%, in line with other competitor nations.
The devolution and abolition of Air Passenger Duty as quickly as possible, reducing the cost of travel by £251m.
Visa processes need to be reviewed by the end of 2015 for Tourist & Business visitors
A clear marketing plan agreed jointly between the Scottish Government and Scotland’s airports aimed at increasing Scotland’s international air routes by 20% by 2020.
Eliminating skills shortages in the tourism industry by 2018 through new models of industry and education engagement to promote outstanding career opportunities in this exciting area.
Business-led leadership for local tourism development across Scotland, complementing the international role of VisitScotland.

Liz Cameron OBE, Director and Chief Executive of Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“In 2014, Scotland played host to two of the world’s most iconic sporting events in the shape of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles. Both events turned the world’s eyes upon us and we showcased our creativity and imagination to a global audience.
“Alongside the various other sporting and cultural attractions that Scotland had to offer in 2014, there was also the matter of the independence referendum. This event attracted the attention of the world’s media for an extended period of time, adding further to the spotlight upon Scotland and helping others to better understand what modern Scotland is all about.
“The time is right to capitalise on the formidable platform we have created to attract more visitors to our country, grow our tourism industry and develop the sector’s attractiveness as a career option.”