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    Eviction of tenants during the Coronavirus pandemic

    12th February 2021

    Guidance on how private landlords should deal with rent and terminating tenancies. Since the start of the pandemic the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 and Coronavirus (Scotland) (No. 2) Act 2020 have been passed by the Scottish Government. The new Acts were introduced to provide security to various sectors during the…

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    Protecting Your Future in 2021: Wills and Powers of Attorney – Part 3

    9th February 2021

    2021 brings a new year of opportunity and a chance to reflect back on what a challenging year we have all faced in 2020. The uncertainty, the current impact on our health and care services as well as the impact on families across the world will be long remembered and…

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    Further FCA guidance published on business interruption insurance claims

    4th February 2021

    We recently reported on a major Supreme Court decision concerning business interruption insurance claims, a decision that will mean tens of thousands of small businesses will receive crucial pay-outs from their insurers. The FCA has now published further guidance to aid businesses pursue these claims. We recently reported on a major…

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    Employers guidance to some of the legal implications regarding workforce vaccinations

    2nd February 2021

    Amy Gordon, Solicitor in Lindsays’ Employment team discusses some of the queries that employers may have about their staff and vaccinations as well as the impact that the vaccination will have on risk assessment planning over the coming months. The rollout of Covid-19 vaccines started in early December 2020. In…

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    A new brand in the White House.

    2nd February 2021

    This is the preamble to the Constitution, just in case you had forgotten: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves…

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    Facebook Business Tips Not to Be Missed!

    29th January 2021

    Facebook is a great tool for attracting new customers to your business. As a business, Facebook can be particularly useful as it allows you to update your customers on current offers, opening times and products as well as providing your contact details, allowing customers to message you and visit your website.…

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    Leading the way to a Circular Economy

    27th January 2021

    You could say that Lothians-based Dyno Dog Gear is taking a lead role in creating a more Circular Economy… The company is a classic example of innovative thinking to create a new use for an old product – and in the process creating a business opportunity and helping our economy…

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    Protecting Your Future in 2021: Wills and Powers of Attorney – Part 2

    26th January 2021

    2021 brings a new year of opportunity and a chance to reflect back on what a challenging year we have all faced in 2020. The uncertainty, the current impact on our health and care services as well as the impact on families across the world will be long remembered and…

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    How the Brexit deal will affect immigration

    25th January 2021

    We now have confirmation of a post-Brexit deal with the EU, but the detail and how it will work in practice have yet to be seen. We do know that with effect from 11pm on 31st December 2020, the rights of free movement for EU citizens no longer apply. Any…

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    Legal risks in requiring employees to have Covid vaccination

    22nd January 2021

    Can UK employers require staff to be vaccinated is a question that has been doing the rounds since the Pfizer vaccine became available. My experience is that clients start the discussion thinking that they might want to mandate, or very actively encourage employees to be vaccinated, but having had legal…

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