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    Striking the right note

    21st January 2021

    Josh O’Brien, a field engineer with Network ROI discusses working during a pandemic, his love of music, his start in IT, and the expertise he has built up in his career. “As an engineer, I love working against the clock on conversion projects, they are like a giant jigsaw puzzle…

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    The cladding issue must be addressed immediately

    19th January 2021

    The Grenfell Tower tragedy horrified Britain. Subsequent enquiries have highlighted issues with materials used, construction standards and supervisory roles, to name but a few, and enquiries are on-going. In the meantime, people are living in multi-story buildings with no clear resolution to the issue of cladding on buildings. Future plans…

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    Protecting Your Future in 2021: Wills and Powers of Attorney – Part 1

    18th January 2021

    2021 brings a new year of opportunity and a chance to reflect back on what a challenging year we have all faced in 2020. The uncertainty, the current impact on our health and care services as well as the impact on families across the world will be long remembered and…

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    Supreme Court orders insurers to pay out for small business lockdown losses

    17th January 2021

    Good news for businesses! After today’s Supreme Court judgment, it is anticipated that tens of thousands of small businesses will now stand to receive pay-outs from their insurers. A much-needed lifeline for many. The purpose of business interruption insurance (“BII”) as a risk management tool is to reduce the exposure…

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    Charities can support each other through these tough times

    17th January 2021

    Alastair Keatinge, Partner and Head of Charities at Lindsays, reminds charities to use each other for support as they navigate the latest Covid-19 challenges. When times are tough it can become all too easy to think that you are all alone in the issues we face. Yet, if there is…

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    What your business needs to know about the Brexit deal

    17th January 2021

    Negotiations between the UK and EU on our post-Brexit transition period trading relationship with the EU from 1st January 2021 concluded on 24th December 2020 with the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The UK’s membership of the European Union ended on 31st January 2020; the end of the transition period…

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    Covid Recovery must be Circular

    12th January 2021

    The development of vaccines to tackle the Covid 19 pandemic has raised hopes that an end to the public health crisis that has cost lives and livelihoods may be in sight. As we say goodbye to a difficult 2020 and look ahead to what, we hope, will be a better…

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    The Law behind the Headlines: New mother wins payout of up to £9k after she was left out of Christmas party while on maternity leave’ (Mirror online, 6 January 2021)

    11th January 2021

    Have you ever read the employment law stories that have made the headlines and wondered, ‘is this for real?’ or ‘how did the employer get away with that?’ (or even, ‘could I get away with that too?’). We take a look at the stories making the news and explain how…

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    2020 – An Explosive Year in Tech

    5th January 2021

    2020 has been a year like no other for technology. The pandemic accelerated the development, adoption and attitudes to technology on a global scale. Some economies have seen more digital transformation over a matter of months than they had in years. Jamie Watts, from R&D tax credit specialists, Amplifi Solutions…

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    Lockdown Cupboard Clearing Reveals Secrets in Historic Family Home

    16th December 2020

    A blog by Lady Dorothy Ogilvy at Winton Castle What did you do in Lockdown? I did what most people without any medical training did: stayed at home, oversaw home-schooling, shopped for my endlessly hungry teenagers and shielding parents, did the day-job via Zoom, cleaned the house and cleared out…

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