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    They say Arran is Scotland in Miniature, but that does not apply to house prices as eager buyers keep flooding in

    14th December 2020

    As soon as lockdown ended this summer, the ferries sailing into the wide sweep of Brodick Bay on the Isle of Arran, in the lee of majestic Goat Fell and under the gaze of the red sandstone baronial castle, were crowded and excited. That irrepressible enthusiasm and anticipation signalled the…

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    Company directors may face claims due to Covid-19 decisions

    14th December 2020

    John Bett, Head of Dispute Resolution and Litigation at Lindsays, warns that company directors could find decisions they made in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic are brought into question Directors of businesses of all sizes need to be more aware of their legal responsibilities in case they run into…

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    Offices redesign on cards for greater collaboration post Covid-19

    7th December 2020

    It’s almost as hotly contested as the lockdown v no lockdown debate – will the UK ever return to 9-5 office working or is trillions of sq ft of prime office space doomed to lie empty?   It would be an excellent office water cooler talking point – if we…

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    Standing together as one

    3rd December 2020

    The potential impact that Brexit will have on many UK businesses is huge. Here at SGS we have been trying to reduce this impact by offering services and advice to assist organisations through these unprecedented times. With the worldwide pandemic of Covid-19 also coming into play, businesses have had to…

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    Have yourself a sustainable Christmas

    1st December 2020

    Although the Christmas season is a time full of magic, gift giving, decorations and delicious food, it is also a time that, unfortunately, results in a lot of waste going to landfill. Research has shown that in Scotland alone 19,000 tonnes of wrapping paper is expected to be used this…

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    Work “What you do” not “Where you go”

    1st December 2020

    Much as though we’d love to turn the clock back and pretend this pandemic never happened, it has opened our eyes to just how much better things could be. At SPACE we’ve been saying this for years. Some people listened and were ready to hit the ground running when government-enforced…

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    Should you leave DIY to the experts?

    26th November 2020

    It seems like only yesterday that we emerged from our lockdown bunkers ready to face the world again. Some of us were sporting once-in-a-lifetime lockdown tans and others had hair that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a Bee Gees tribute band. Now, with the country experiencing a second…

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    Bluestream Research and Development Ltd

    25th November 2020

    My name is Kenneth Redmond, and I started a business in 2018 called Bluestream Research and Development Ltd. Bluestream is based on Research and Development and progressing Innovations. I offer a 3-month initial R&D service with emphasis on producing a patent, where I ask companies to consider a one-off payment…

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    Don’t forget the nuts and bolts if you’re planning a new business

    24th November 2020

    If you’re starting a new business, it will more than likely be a time of excitement and optimism. There are many things to plan, consider and action. It might be tempting to focus on the branding and marketing – the slick website – and of course these are the things…

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    Is your business Brexit-ready?

    24th November 2020

    It is less than 50 days to go until Brexit, and currency markets may fluctuate as we near the December 31st deadline, affecting the amount of money you may receive when making an international payment, meaning it is more important than ever to plan ahead. For businesses in Edinburgh and…

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