Vici and Steve’s Winter Wedding Exceeds ‘High’ Expectations

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    Vici and Steve’s Winter Wedding Exceeds ‘High’ Expectations

    28th May 2020

    Vici and Steve’s expectations were high as sixty of their closest friends and family traversed East Lothian to attend their winter wedding at Winton Castle. A climbing theme dominated the day, reflecting the bride and groom’s passion for hiking and climbing, which culminated in the wedding cake being cut with…

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    Law firm Lindsays encourages employers to keep on top of GDPR when requiring staff to work from home

    27th May 2020

    The current social distancing measures mean the majority of businesses have faced and implemented a quick transition to homeworking for their employees. One of the significant challenges this presents is how to comply with the GDPR and data protection legislation outwith the office. Data protection legislation has the same parameters,…

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    4 characteristics of a good financial plan

    21st May 2020

    There is a difference between having a financial plan and having a good financial plan. A good plan has a better chance of achieving the desired results and therefore provides peace of mind, something which is especially important in uncertain situations such as these we find ourselves in today. The…

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    Working from home? With full fibre we could all enjoy a more flexible future…

    21st May 2020

    By Elaine Doherty, City Manager, CityFibre Over these past weeks, many of us will have adopted entirely new ways of doing everyday activities, such as attending meetings, completing coursework, joining exercise classes and catching up with friends and family. This ‘new normal’ demonstrates exactly what we already suspected – digital…

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    Covid-19 : Current court procedures and accessibility for individuals and businesses

    15th May 2020

    As we acclimatise to lockdown the courts have recently issued updated guidance on how certain business can now proceed and on what basis you can seek to do so. The pace at which the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic is evolving means that the situation facing many businesses is constantly…

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  • Scotland’s Lilypads tackles African period poverty through reusable campaign

    14th May 2020

    A business with its origins in tackling the devastating impact of period poverty on girls attending school in rural Kenya is now making its mark on the UK market – and it is doing so in Circular Economy style. Lilypads may have begun life to tackle an issue in Kenya,…

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    Redundancy during Coronavirus Part 4: How do I calculate redundancy payments?

    8th May 2020

    In Parts 1, 2 and 3 of our series of blogs we looked at when a redundancy situation might arise, gave an overview of both individual consultation and collective consultation, explained how to fairly select those employees who will be at risk from redundancy and set out how to conduct…

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    Redundancy warning to businesses as employers consider nightmare scenario of laying off staff

    7th May 2020

    Donald MacKinnon, group legal director at employment law and HR firm, Law At Work, advises on the steps businesses can take to limit losing staff and lays out the considerations which must be made if employers are forced into the last resort. The announcement by British Airways that it will…

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  • Sustainability Firmly in Frame

    6th May 2020

    A market-leading company founded in Edinburgh has joined the fight to help create a more sustainable City. LS Productions is the UK’s largest photo and film service production company, supporting their clients’ shoots country-wide, based out of Edinburgh, London, Manchester. Their specialities include service production for fashion campaigns and editorials,…

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  • A pandemic polemic

    A pandemic polemic

    6th May 2020

    When we talk about brands we tend to focus on the emotional connections they form in the head and heart. These connections can be fragile, transient – eroded by the promise of more enriching experiences elsewhere, the fickleness of consumers, and the indiscretions revealed when the mask slips. At the…

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