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    Property market recovery? The long and the short of it is that it’s all in the timing

    3rd April 2020

    By Alan Gordon Up until two weeks ago, the property market in Scotland was roaring, firing on all cylinders and accelerating away. The post-Brexit bounce was in full swing and people who had been sitting on their hands for years were active as puppies. Now, thanks to Coronavirus, the door…

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    COVID-19: Guidance on Trade Credit Policy Compliance

    2nd April 2020

    Amid the tragic human impact of COVID-19, businesses are feeling the economic consequences of the pandemic. Companies in the UK must prepare to respond to and recover from the impact to their people, operations, and business as any delay could bring significant consequences. During this challenging time, many companies are…

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    Four-Step IT Plan to Make Working From Home a Success

    30th March 2020

    Working From Home (WFH) is set to be a phrase intrinsically linked to COVID-19. While many businesses have adopted this practice for years, the current lockdown has accelerated its up take dramatically and swiftly, which has put significant pressure on existing network IT capabilities. At Xeretec, we’re able to help…

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    Top tips for working from home

    30th March 2020

    During this period of uncertainty, many whose roles permit, have started working from home. If remote working is not part of your usual routine, it can feel a little daunting. Having some simple structures and practices in place however can make a notable difference, helping you to be as productive…

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    Coronavirus: A Guide for Employers – Part 7

    27th March 2020

    It has been a week since the Prime Minister, Boris Johnston, announced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme which will see the Government reimbursing employers 80% of the wages for any staff that they wish to furlough. There is still a lot about this scheme that we do not yet know…

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    Covid-19: Guidance for parents who share care of their children

    27th March 2020

    Covid-19 is one of the most challenging issues to affect our society. It brings many questions and uncertainties for us all. Separated families are no exception. One of the big questions being asked over the last few days is: when, and for what purpose, can I leave home? Parents, who…

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    6 Top Tips for Present Moment Living

    27th March 2020

    Hello!  You have probably heard about “Living in the moment”, “Being Present”, “Mindfulness”. All well and good and definitely a worthwhile philosophy to apply to one’s daily life.  However, it can be harder to put into practice than it may seem!  Just because you may read or hear a quote…

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    Working from home: How employers can protect the well-being of their staff and their business  

    26th March 2020

    The rush-hour commute, water cooler catch-ups and grabbing an after-work drink with colleagues will temporarily be a thing of the past for the majority of UK workers. Businesses up and down the country are adhering to government advice and imposing working from home measures amidst the coronavirus pandemic. As a…

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    Tell great stories in your virtual meetings

    24th March 2020

    This week, as many of our face-to-face meetings started to get replaced with video calls the world suddenly felt different. We’ve all been adapting and thinking about how to make the most of the skills we have in a rapidly changing scenario and we’re only going to be doing more…

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    Coronavirus: A Guide for Employers – Part 5

    24th March 2020

    Coronavirus: A Guide for Employers – Part 5 At 5 pm on Friday 20 March 2020, Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced a scheme which will assist employers in paying workers’ wages. This scheme is being called the Job Retention Scheme. Under this scheme, employers will be able to…

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