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    Spring clean your finances

    6th March 2020

    It’s March – the January blues have paled; the nights are drawing out and Spring is in the air! What better way of entering the season of growth and bloom than making positive changes to your finances? Here are some ideas to Spring clean your finances – Budget Are you…

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    It’s time to think seriously about where we will find the next generation of valuers

    5th March 2020

    By Eric Curran Negentropy is not a word which is much bandied about in dinner party conversations, but it means something very important. Essentially, it is the opposite of entropy which, in market terms, indicates a gradual decline into disorder.  Negentropy, or reverse entropy, implies growth, creativity, improvement and order…

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    Planning for the Unexpected

    5th March 2020

    Business continuity has recently become a top priority for many UK organisations in order to prepare for and minimise the impact of the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). We believe it is timely for businesses to evaluate and update any potential gaps in their business continuity plans. It has never…

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    Coronavirus: What businesses need to know

    3rd March 2020

    Coronavirus, originating in the Chinese city of Wuhan, is a potentially lethal respiratory disease which has now spread to countries throughout the world. The virus is classified as an airborne high consequence infectious disease (HCID) and bears similarities to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), in that it can cause coughing,…

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    High hedges – Property in Scotland

    3rd March 2020

    You may have seen press reports recently about a dispute between the owners of two properties in Inverness.  The local authority used statutory powers to require one party to significantly reduce the height of a number of Leylandii trees which were a barrier to light and adversely affected the enjoyment…

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    What is sustainable investing? Can it be an alternative to ethical investing?

    3rd March 2020

    As individuals, it may seem that our own savings each year can’t make much of a positive difference to our environment or society. However, if you consider that in the tax year 2017/18, £28.2bn was contributed to personal pensions in UK[1], then all together they definitely could! We all have…

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  • Luxury Doesn’t Always Come At A Price

    3rd March 2020

    You could be forgiven for thinking, as you relax in the tranquil and stylish surroundings of Eden Locke aparthotel in the heart of Edinburgh, that this luxury must come at a heavy price to the environment. Fluffy towels, crisp linen, perfect pillows, friendly uniformed staff, the smell of fresh roasted…

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    Doing business in style?

    3rd March 2020

    Coco Chanel said that fashion fades, but only style remains the same. This doesn’t just apply to haute couture; it’s just as true for the way you present your business. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a sole trader, sme owner or working in a large corporate: your clients will judge…

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    The art of illustration

    25th February 2020

    With countless brands shouting to be heard, it takes something special to get noticed in today’s competitive landscape. At Firefly, we understand the transformative effect illustrations can have on a brand and, in a world saturated with photographs, the unique and personal touch they can add. Strong visuals are key…

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    Scottish Short Form Arbitration Rules: a proportionate means of resolving dispute

    24th February 2020

    Any party seeking legal representation in the pursuit of a relatively modest monetary claim will, in most instances, be advised by their solicitor that, notwithstanding the perceived merit of the claim, from a financial point of view, instructing a solicitor to represent their interest in the matter would be uneconomical…

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