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    What to ask when looking for a financial adviser

    3rd February 2020

    According to research*, we have already passed the date (19th January) on which most people are likely to give up their New Year’s resolutions. Well done to those of you who have kept going past “Quitters Day”! However, if 2020 is the year in which you have promised yourself you’ll…

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    Employee caught snoring fairly dismissed?

    3rd February 2020

    Earlier this month, the Employment Appeal Tribunal found that an employee caught snoring on the job was unfairly dismissed. Homer Simpson always managed to dodge the bullet when snoring on the job while looking after Springfield’s nuclear reactor. Unfortunately, it materialised in Goddard v Sunshine Hotel Limited, t/a Palm Court…

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    The power of copywriting

    31st January 2020

    Have you ever thought about what compelling copy could add to your branding? It’s increasingly difficult for brands to get noticed without stand out content which connects and resonates with customers. That’s where copywriting comes in – it isn’t just the cherry on top, it’s integral to successful marketing and…

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    Making 5G a reality — what needs to happen next? BLOG Making 5G a reality — what needs to happen next?

    31st January 2020

    To achieve the UK government’s target for the majority of the country to have 5G by 2027, strategic decisions must to be taken now, and I believe that the scope of the digital transformation needed requires strong leadership from a service integrator such as CGI. A huge requirement for change…

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    MAC report recommendations could simplify the new immigration system

    29th January 2020

    By Elaine McIlroy, immigration expert, Brodies LLP The topic of immigration has been front page news this week across the UK. In Scotland there have been calls for a ‘Scottish visa’ and devolution of immigration powers. The UK Government also announced this week that a new global talent visa category…

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  • Building a new economy, brick at a time

    28th January 2020

    Pioneering Circular Economy thinking is in with the bricks at one innovative company – based in Edinburgh – that is setting new standards in the construction industry. Heriot-Watt University spin-out business Kenoteq manufactures ground-breaking building products for the construction industry. The company’s first product is an unfired brick called the…

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    From the inside – Mearns & Company: a Non-Exec perspective

    28th January 2020

    A year after being appointed Non-Executive Director at Mearns & Company, I thought it would be a great time to reflect on my experience. Having worked in Financial Services for over 20 years and “thinking” that I know a fair bit about the industry, being asked to join Mearns &…

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    Scotland aims to be the home to world’s most exciting food & drink industry

    23rd January 2020

        The Food and Drink industry is fast-moving and constantly evolving with a significant focus on scientific innovation and development in order to build sustainable food systems. Sharing of data and sophisticated technology through joint ventures or acquisitions is becoming increasingly more common in order to meet the changing…

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    Energy Efficiency Proposals and their potential cost to Home Owners in Scotland

    22nd January 2020

    The impact we have on the environment around us has been at the forefront of most people’s minds and heavily covered in the media over the last twelve months. The Scottish Government has also announced ambitious targets for Scotland to be carbon neutral by 2045. It seems that home owners…

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    Unlawful Eviction

    22nd January 2020

    Since 01 December 2017, the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) (“FTT”) has dealt with actions for eviction in respect of private residential leases instead of the Sheriff Court. The FTT has recently published their decision in the first successful action for unlawful eviction. When is eviction unlawful?…

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