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    Are you Still “Kicking the Carbon Can” Down the Road

    16th February 2023

    Author: Brian Johnstone, Carbon-Zero I cannot fathom why many Companies are still “Kicking the Carbon Can” down the road in not addressing their carbon emissions. I wonder what it will take to prick their conscience to start addressing their carbon emissions. Are they waiting till they have to? Waiting till…

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    The Importance of Cybersecurity in a Remote Work Era

    6th February 2023

    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to adapt to remote work and hybrid working, leading to an increased reliance on technology and digital tools. This shift has made cybersecurity more critical than ever, as companies face a higher risk of cyber-attacks, data breaches, and other cybersecurity threats. Read on as…

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    Stress and the Workplace

    27th January 2023

    Some interesting facts about stress and the workplace:- 17.0 million working days were lost in 2021/2022 due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety (Labour Force Survey) In 2021/22, stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 51% of all work-related ill health cases and 55% of all working days lost due to…

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    Need Advice About a Settlement Agreement?

    13th December 2022

    Ben Doherty Partner, and Head of Employment at Lindsays answers the most asked questions on settlement agreements. Settlement agreements tend to come up when an employer wants to discuss with an employee about them leaving on mutually agreeable terms. It avoids the business being required to go through the process of…

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    Selling your Home Before the New Year

    9th December 2022

    Get a head start on 2023 and prepare your home to sell before the new year bells. ESPC’s recent poll shows that most people think that spring is the best time to move home. Getting your house on the market early gives you the best chance to secure a buyer…

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    Is Now a Good Time to Buy a House?

    23rd November 2022

    The property market has been unprecedently active since the Covid pandemic hit in 2020 but there has been much speculation recently over how the housing market will react to challenges in the wider economy. There’s no denying that the economy is currently facing a number of changes, but what does…

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  • Net Zero News Round-up for Businesses

    15th November 2022

    Many businesses are already taking steps to become more sustainable and reduce their carbon emissions. The climate crisis has been an increasingly popular topic in recent years and the constant news flow can be difficult to keep up with and digest. Below, SSE Energy Solutions summarises the top net zero business news…

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    New Guide Launched to Help Businesses Navigate Through the Trio of Telecoms Switch-Offs

    7th November 2022

    From analogue telephone line and copper cable replacement to 2G and 3G network decommissioning, these switch-offs will affect millions of people across the UK. Analogue Switch-Off Telecom Providers in the UK are decommissioning their analogue services and are moving to fully digital networks. This means that analogue phone lines in residential…

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    Leadership Mentoring

    19th October 2022

    Leadership mentoring is an interesting topic because it can be effective on two levels. Firstly, a leadership mentoring relationship can be one where a mentee is keen to progress within an organisation and wants to connect with a mentor who can help them to develop their leadership skills. At the…

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    Click and Collect Economy Worth Over £2.55bn in Scotland as ‘Hybrid’ Shopping Grows

    5th October 2022

    Click-and-collect transactions in Scotland will be worth £2.55bn in 2022, accounting for 38.4% of retail income for those who offer this service Nationwide, click-and-collect transactions will be worth £42.4bn in 2022 – 8.4% of the UK’s total retail spending The need to balance digital and in-store is fast becoming a…

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