Top tips for a sustainable Christmas

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    Top tips for a sustainable Christmas

    13th December 2019

    Christmas – it’s the most wonderful, but arguably environmentally damaging, time of the year. During this period in the UK we create a whopping 30% more waste than usual. However, in light of Extinction Rebellion and many waking up to the climate crisis, the spotlight is well and truly on…

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    New year, new street: the importance of creating liveable neighbourhoods

    11th December 2019

    Streets and public spaces are the connective tissue that hold communities together. The quality of these spaces can be the difference between a place you consider to be ‘home’ ending at your front door or extending to your entire neighbourhood. The last century has seen car ownership become the norm.…

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    Are you getting the best value from your venue?

    11th December 2019

    It comes as no surprise that one of the key elements of organising any event is securing a space or venue. It may sound like simple work – finding a venue and exchanging contracts – but the devil is in the detail and more often than not, there’s a myriad…

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    A focus on leaders at the expense of policy?

    2nd December 2019

    Andrew Henderson, Director of Public Policy at Pinsent Masons It may be difficult to recall such relative calm, but at the beginning of this decade, the leadership of today’s four largest Westminster parties remained steady and constant. After Ed Miliband took-up Labour’s reins in 2010, for the following four years…

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    How to stop winter sniffles from sabotaging workplaces

    2nd December 2019

    By Claire Sharman, Employee Benefits Business Development Manager, Jelf With winter tightening its grip and snow predicted to return across the UK in December, coughs, colds and flu bugs will inevitably rise in the workplace. While they may not last long, winter sniffles can have a significant impact on businesses.…

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    Edinburgh’s commercial real estate sector is still hampered by Brexit risk. 

    25th November 2019

    By Graeme Pollock Like Banquo’s ghost, the spectre of endless Brexit hangs over the commercial property market in Edinburgh and its immediate hinterland and, until it is banished, the feasting will necessarily remain subdued. There has certainly been a tail-off in activity since the first Brexit deadline was missed in…

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    Back to basics: #2 Employees rights when being dismissed

    25th November 2019

    Let’s get ‘Back to Basics’ and strip back Employment Law in a series of short but informative blogs.  In this blog, I will cover the rights of employees when they are being dismissed. Sorry Lord Sugar, you can’t just say “you’re fired” to all your employees. An employee gains a…

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    Why I HATE the office Christmas party

    21st November 2019

    I’ve always hated the office Christmas party. I can’t decide if it is because of the inevitable prospect of seeing photos of myself on Facebook which (at the time), I had encouraged colleagues to take. Or whether it is the level of concentration required to hear what colleagues are mumbling…

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    Enabling Smart Cities – the need for a full fibre infrastructure

    19th November 2019

    By Elaine Doherty, City Manager for Edinburgh, CityFibre I’m passionate about the ability of technology to effect positive change for society. As CityFibre’s City Manager for Edinburgh, I’m in the lucky position of being at the forefront of CityFibre’s full fibre rollout to homes and businesses across the UK. With…

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    ExecSpace and ACOSVO share their top tips to help event planners organise a successful charity event…

    19th November 2019

    ExecSpace, Scotland’s leading venue finding agency and ACOSVO, the Association of Chief Officers of Scottish Voluntary Organisations, have joined forces to share their insights around some of the most important things to consider as an event planner looking to organise a successful charity event. EVENT PURPOSE: Kirsten Smith, Marketing and…

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