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    20 SEO Tips Your Business Can Use Today

    18th November 2019

    Is your business struggling to get noticed in the search results on Google and Bing? It might be because you have never used SEO techniques or perhaps you have and never got any progress with it. Perhaps you never gave it time or you may have decided to fast track…

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    What Employees are Looking for in a Good Employer

    28th October 2019

    Kristin Lamb, Head of Sales and Service for ExecSpace, one of the UK’s leading venue finding agencies shares her views on what she believes employees are looking for in a good employer. Flexibility – In this day and age, I think it’s really important that employers can be flexible with…

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    Back to Basics: Day One Rights Of An Employee

    23rd October 2019

    Let’s get ‘Back to Basics’ and no I don’t mean the song by Shapeshifters. I mean Employment Law stripped back in a series of short but informative blogs. I guess the most logical place to start would be by covering the primary rights that an employee will acquire within the…

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    What can businesses do about stress?

    21st October 2019

    At last, we are talking about stress! I have worked as a GP for over 20years and have helped many people struggling with the physical and mental health consequences of stress. I have signed hundreds of sick notes and have often been asked not to mention the word ‘stress’ because…

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    Will Brexit change Employment Law?

    17th October 2019

    Andrew Brown, Partner in Anderson Strathern’s Employment Team Our research on preparedness for Brexit earlier this year showed that over half of SMEs in Scotland identified the EU workforce as their biggest Brexit exposure point. One area which has been much discussed is employment law and what effect Brexit will…

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    Exception reporting: when is it unnecessary to provide a Home Report?

    15th October 2019

    Home Reports, now a wholly accepted part of Scotland’s residential property landscape, celebrated their tenth anniversary late last year. But, remarkably enough, there remains a significant degree of ignorance of the fine detail surrounding their required use. Home Reports replaced a system in which every buyer who was seriously interested…

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    Workplace pensions – A good start, but is it enough?

    10th October 2019

    This October marks the seventh anniversary of the start of workplace pension auto-enrolment.  Now that all the process are embedded and contribution phasing is complete, what more can be done to improve your employees’ retirement prospects? With the failure of stakeholder pensions to encourage more people to save more for…

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    Why getting cladding right must not cause property blight

    9th October 2019

    By Eric Curran The Grenfell Tower tragedy horrified Britain, and our legislators – quite rightly and commendably – have concentrated their minds on putting in place new rules and regulations which will ensure that such appalling misery is never allowed to occur again. But, as is so often the case,…

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    Are You Considering Paid Search Marketing? You Probably Should Be.

    2nd October 2019

    Whether you are the owner or working in-house for a B2B or B2C business, one of the best digital marketing initiatives you can do right now is Paid Search Marketing or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) on Google Ads. It can work for almost any type of business and offers measurable ROI. If…

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    The hidden challenges of invisible disabilities: 4 ways to avoid discrimination in the workplace

    18th September 2019

    According to the Department for Work and Pension’s Family Resources Survey, 21% of working age adults in the UK reported having a disability. The DWP collects statistics in line with the Equality Act 2010 definition: a mental of physical impairment that has a substantial long-term adverse effect on a person’s…

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