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    Joining the dots: Getting to grips with Twenty-first Century Crime

    31st July 2019

    In today’s connected world, crime is going digital. CGI is working with the UK’s police forces to help them combat an increasingly complex challenge. Disruption is a fact of modern business life: technology continually re-writes the rules for how companies create value and compete. The digital revolution has transformed the…

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    Mearns & Company – Managing Director Update July 2019

    30th July 2019

    Having started my role as Managing Director at Mearns & Company in January 2018, now seems like a good opportunity to reflect back over the last year and a half to share some personal highlights. Although this is my nineteenth year working with Mearns & Company, starting a new role…

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    Annuities – a thing of the past or the road to a certain financial future?

    30th July 2019

    Annuities. A throwback to a bygone era, right? Something that went out with VHS recorders, travellers’ cheques and shell suits? Well…, not quite. If Mark Twain was around today he would question whether reports of the death of the annuity have been greatly exaggerated. So what is an annuity? Simply…

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    Peace of Mind – but at what cost?

    29th July 2019

    “It’s the feeling of just knowing it’s there, isn’t it?  I like that I can access it at any time.” These two statements are something we hear often when discussing excess cash holdings with clients.  It can be ingrained into us as individuals to think that cash is the best…

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    The key questions you should ask before committing to a venue for your event

    24th July 2019

    By Emma Little, Founder and CEO of ExecSpace After choosing the most suitable venue to host your event, the temptation might just be to throw down a deposit without considering some very important questions that you need to ask the venue first. Emma Little, Founder and CEO of ExecSpace, one…

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    Why you should care about work-related stress

    18th July 2019

    Imagine this picture: as soon as you wake up in the morning the first action is checking your phone and the first thought is about the meeting you have today: one you planned weeks ago with an important client. You didn’t sleep well, and you’re starting to feel a headache.…

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    Promoting physical activity is good business

    3rd July 2019

    Ian Beattie, Chief Operating Officer, Lindsays Few people dispute the overwhelming evidence supporting the positive impact of physical activity on our mental health – the link between good physical health and good mental health is now well established. However, whilst employers are becoming increasingly aware of their responsibilities with regards…

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    Construction – A Modern Perspective

    20th June 2019

    Growing up, I really enjoyed both maths and physics at school and was very definite about becoming an engineer, from a very young age. Luckily for me, my Dad was an engineer and my parents were very supportive and encouraged me to do what I wanted, even if it was…

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    Uncertainty and lack of supply continue to hamstring the Scottish residential property market

    17th June 2019

    Uncertainty and lack of supply continue to hamstring the Scottish residential property market By Eric Curran It’s the waiting that’s the worst, as they used to say in the trenches. In the case of Scotland’s residential property market, it’s the interminable wait for some semblance of normality to return and…

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    Power of Attorney – Planning our Affairs

    17th June 2019

    It is said that by 2025, 1 in 6 will be diagnosed with Dementia. It is times like Dementia Awareness Week that thought turns to the future and steps are taken to ensure the appropriate provisions are in place for a diagnosis such as Dementia. At present, there is no…

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