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    Non-execs must open their eyes to insolvency risks

    19th March 2019

    Brent Haywood, Partner and Solicitor Advocate in Lindsays’ Dispute Resolution and Litigation team, discusses some risks involved with being a non-executive director and highlights three important lessons to consider before taking on a directorship. Non-executive directors are increasingly finding themselves on the receiving end of insolvency litigation. It’s therefore essential…

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    3 ways burnout can kill CEOs’ performance

    19th March 2019

    Over the years, literature about stress has been focusing mainly on employees and very little on chief executive officers (CEOs). In spite of the little research in this area, work-related stress and burnout is increasing in CEOs in large multinational companies as reported in the mass media. In 2011, Lloyd’s…

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    Why Mr Burns should worry about National Minimum Wage

    19th March 2019

    Dundee last week pledged itself to be the UK’s first living wage city. More than 50 employers have agreed to pay a living wage to its employees covering a quarter of the city. But let’s forget Dundee for now. What about The Simpsons? Have you heard Montgomery Burns making any…

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    Best new tech 2019 for events

    18th March 2019

    With an influx of new technologies and trends set to take the event industry by storm as we enter a new year, it can be hard to sift through what the best new tech in 2019 will be. As experienced event professionals, we’ve been producing and managing small and large-scale…

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    Egnyte Platform for secure file sharing

    13th March 2019

    Could your business benefit from implementing the Egnyte platform across the organisation? Perhaps you are looking for a solution to enable better sharing and collaboration of files and data? Are you concerned about compliance? What about the need to future proof your IT infrastructure – maybe you are interested in…

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    7 Points for first time buyers to consider when funding your new home

    13th March 2019

    The majority of first-time buyers will need some sort of funding to assist with their purchase. The most common way is to take out a mortgage. Essentially, a mortgage is much the same as any other type of borrowing with the main difference being that the loan is secured against…

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    Protecting your business from the threat of cyber

    11th March 2019

    The volume of data held by businesses, coupled with the reliance of technology to operate effectively, means that today, Government statistics show 97% of organisations are currently addressing a cyber-related breach. And private businesses are particularly susceptible to cyber-attacks, their limited resources making them an easier target for cyber criminals.…

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  • Advocates for Circular Change

    6th March 2019

    An innovative programme being run by an Edinburgh-based research and advocacy organisation is planting the seeds of Circular Economy thinking with the Capital’s citizens of the future. Ostrero, which works across public and private sectors to promote engagement with the Circular Economy, runs an educational project called “Making Circles”, a…

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  • Blog: Ten reasons to contact Resource Efficient Scotland

    5th March 2019

    We can help you save money, and it doesn’t cost you money to get our help. These are two great reasons to get in touch with us, but for even more great reasons read on… If you’re a small to medium sized business then our mission is to help you…

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    The Rise of the Truly Intelligent Chatbots

    5th March 2019

    If you think you know chatbots – or virtual assistants to give them a term that covers both voice and text interaction – think again. They’re developing faster that many thought possible. Artificial intelligence is making them clever at a speed worthy of one of those rapidly maturing aliens in…

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