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    Home Reports have worked well for 10 years, but surveyors must always be open to opportunities for improvement

    14th December 2018

    It is quite remarkable that it is now 10 years since Home Reports, the initiative which radically altered the Scottish housing market, were introduced – amid, it has to be remembered, a welter of criticism and doubt. These criticisms have now been stilled and the doubts have been alleviated as…

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  • Facilities Managers Key to Circular Economy

    12th December 2018

    Sandy McNaughton is uniquely qualified to advocate the enormous benefits of businesses prepared to unlock the potential of the circular economy… As the Scotland Chair of the Institute of Workplace & Facilities Management (formerly known as British Institute of Facilities Management) he heads the professional body that promotes excellence in…

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    Guide to shopping safely online

    11th December 2018

    Shopping online can be fun and convenient but are you doing all you can to keep yourself and your family safe on the internet? Do you know how to keep your credit card secure whilst shopping online? Is your card registered for added security measures such as Verified by Visa,…

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  • Pufferfish kick off expansion plans for 2019

    Pufferfish kick off expansion plans for 2019

    7th December 2018

    In anticipation of a transformative New Year and with 2019 fast approaching, there have been a lot of new faces appearing at Pufferfish HQ. Having successfully closed out the first phase of our on-going fundraising drive, we’re excited to welcome the additional talent to the team to support our growth…

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  • Blog/

    Surface water flooding is on the rise. How to stop your home from going under

    6th December 2018

    Scotland’s rugged and hilly landscape wouldn’t, on the face of it, make it vulnerable to flooding, you’d think. But surface water flooding is a growing threat, thanks to increased rainfall, which could put your home at risk. Also known as pluvial flooding, surface water flooding is caused by excess rainwater…

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  • Blog/

    What is neuromarketing and how will it improve your performance?

    27th November 2018

    Offering great services and great products is rarely enough to generate sales. The reason for this lies in our brain. As functional as it is, our brain does not always act in a rational way! Our brain uses precise rules when collecting, processing information and eventually taking decisions. Neuromarketing consists…

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    5 tips for successful Christmas arrangements for separated families

    27th November 2018

    As if Christmas wasn’t complicated enough – the gifts, the decorations, the food, the parties, the hangovers – there is an added, and potentially trickier, consideration for separated parents.  Where, and with which parent, do your children spend the festive period, especially Christmas Eve and Day?  This is an issue…

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    5 things to remember when viewing a property

    22nd November 2018

    Buying your next home can be a stressful time but first of all, you need to make sure that you have found the right property. A viewing appointment gives you the opportunity to see the property in more detail and it’s vital that you use this time wisely. Five points…

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  • Blog/

    University of Edinburgh is well-placed to use its scale and influence to drive innovation in the circular economy

    22nd November 2018

    The University of Edinburgh has made a strategic commitment to embrace the circular economy alongside its goal to become zero carbon by 2040. With a staff and student community of over 50,000, a turnover of nearly £1bn and extensive property, investments and purchasing, the University is well-placed to use its…

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  • Blog/

    Check yourself before you wreck yourself Vicarious Liability of Employers

    20th November 2018

    Two words that can send shivers down the spine of an employer.  Vicarious liability.  This is a legal concept under which an employer can be sued by a third party for a wrongful act committed by one of its employees.  It is often used by parties to get redress for…

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