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    Brexit: Continuing the conversation

    30th August 2018

    In the world of statistics, few are less reliable than employment numbers. Actually in truth, it’s not the numbers but the meaning inferred from them which is very much open to question.  Drops in unemployment would suggest a buoyant economy with lots of jobs but in reality, though more people…

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    Will I benefit from First Time Buyer Relief? – Husband owns main residence & wife is a first time buyer

    27th August 2018

    Client Question: My husband and I have seen a property that we would like to purchase. My husband owns our current property which we intend to keep and rent out. I am a first-time buyer and the title to the new property will be in my sole name. Will I benefit…

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    Top 5 Benefits of Exclaimer Cloud for Office 365 Email Signature Management

    22nd August 2018

    IT Centric has partnered with Exclaimer Cloud to provide our customers with an email signature management platform. Exclaimer provides organisations with the ability to centrally manage email signatures. Providing consistent email signatures across their business. Why your business should consider using an email signature management platform – You can provide all users…

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    The Rise of Van and Tool Theft

    22nd August 2018

    Startling figures reveal that van and tool theft in the UK has become so severe that a van is broken into every 23 minutes, and recent reports further identify that this number has increased by nearly two thirds in two years. With new technologies emerging, 82% of Light Commercial Vehicles…

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    5 ways your business can reduce the cost of corporate travel

    17th August 2018

    When it comes to reducing costs and making savings on corporate travel many businesses think they are already demonstrating best practice.  However research has shown that this is not necessarily always the case. So with the help of Edinburgh based travel management company TRAVELEADS we have compiled a simple check…

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    Anti-social behaviour on social media. When will people learn?

    15th August 2018

    Q: Have you ever heard about an employee being disciplined or dismissed because of inappropriate comments posted on social media? A: Yes   Q: Have you ever heard of a football player being fined a paltry sum out of their astronomical weekly wage over an ill-judged tweet? A: Yes   Q: Have you ever heard…

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    Vegware Edinburgh

    13th August 2018

    Businesses increasingly recognise that operating sustainably is now high on the list of demands from consumers, who are increasingly interested in how services and products are sourced and delivered to them. This has translated into a growing recognition of the need to “go greener”, with the current focus on plastic…

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    A Decade High – why do rate rises in the UK make sense now?

    8th August 2018

    “End of ultra-cheap credit age as Bank of England raises interest rates to highest for a decade.” – The i Regular readers of this blog may begin to get the feeling that I have a problem with how newspapers present their facts. Admittedly, the declaration that interest rates in the…

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    Edinburgh’s Office Market continues to grow

    7th August 2018

    Business Insider has just reported that the Edinburgh Office market continues to bubble away. The City enjoyed a strong second quarter, after a slow start to the year, according to new figures. Office lettings between the first and second quarter rose 150 per cent to 351,916 sq. ft., making just…

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    Business Development Director Green Cross Training

    1st August 2018

    Well I am now in the business of saving lives with Green Cross Training First Aid and Health and safety providers, this is a great sector to be in. Green Cross Training provide First aid aid, IOSH, Nebosh, Mental health First Aid, Fire Awareness, Moving and handling and Food Safety.…

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