• Blog/

    How to do Keyword Research in 2018 – A Quick Guide

    1st August 2018

    SEO’s regularly emphasise the importance of keyword research, and for good reasons. Keyword research is quite possibly the most important stage in SEO, and I’ll explain why. On the Internet, people do not just magically stumble across your content, products or website. Instead, there is a much more logical reason as to…

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  • Sleepover case could save employers millions

    31st July 2018

    But you won’t hear many champagne corks popping, writes Ben Doherty, Partner and Head of Lindsays’ Employment team A recent court case has been described as a watershed for social care charities, freeing them from the threat of £400 million worth of legal claims. But while social care employers are…

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  • Blog/

    Marking Your Territory: the expansion of EU trade mark law

    30th July 2018

    Cover photo by Instagram user @J11LFU Companies like Apple, Nike and Nestle heavily rely on their logo and products to differentiate themselves from their competitors within the market. These logos and brands are a type of intellectual property known as trademarks which offer certain protections to the owners of the…

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  • Blog/

    Remakery – start of a global move to start repairing and reusing

    27th July 2018

    The Edinburgh Remakery is a perfect example of the circular economy in action – and all the benefits that virtuous cycle can bring… This social enterprise has the aim of creating a genuine culture of repair and reuse in Edinburgh – and in the process they will create jobs, reduce…

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  • Blog/

    5 key ingredients to make your Facebook ads irresistible

    25th July 2018

    Facebook ads can be one of the most targeted, cost-effective ways you can advertise and, done correctly, they can reap serious rewards for your business. We provide five tips to help you reach new customers and profit from this advertising platform. Pick your ad type carefully There are a plethora…

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  • Blog/

    Time for Calorie Labelling to Support Scottish Healthy Lifestyle

    23rd July 2018

    All of us wants to be fit, healthy and active. Well, the Scottish Government is now challenging the Catering and Hospitality sector to show leadership and support the country as it tries to become healthier and collectively manage our weight. Why is this important? The Scottish Health Survey in 2016…

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  • Blog/

    Seeking out information in a noisy world – Politics and Markets.

    23rd July 2018

    “Distinguishing the signal from the noise requires both scientific knowledge and self-knowledge: the serenity to accept the things we cannot predict, the courage to predict the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” ― Nate Silver, The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail –…

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  • Blog/

    3 Steps to take towards a more financially organised life

    17th July 2018

    Personal finances are a pain, aren’t they? We’ve all got money, but how much we have is dependent on the work we do and the life we lead… In that same regard, managing our finances and staying organised can be really tricky for some people. We’re not always taught how…

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  • Herald Entrepreneur: Procurement expert bids to create opportunity and growth

    Herald Entrepreneur: Procurement expert bids to create opportunity and growth

    25th June 2018

    ASK Andrew Morrison what keeps him motivated and the entrepreneur talks of the satisfaction he gets in seeing his clients progress and grow.

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  • Building a circular economy through better homes

    Building a circular economy through better homes

    25th June 2018

    Scott Simpson is determined that IndiNature, the business he helped create, will be at the very heart of building a circular economy in Scotland – quite literally.

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