• World Cup 2018 – How do the favourites stack up economically?

    World Cup 2018 – How do the favourites stack up economically?

    22nd June 2018

    Football fever is once again gripping the globe as the World Cup kicked off in Moscow last week

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  • Ewan Aitken’s Blog: More than the sum of our parts

    Ewan Aitken’s Blog: More than the sum of our parts

    22nd June 2018

    Our 50th anniversary event held last week at Queen Margaret University was a great success despite Storm Hector’s attempts to stop people attending!

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  • Remakery – start of a global move to start repairing and reusing

    Remakery – start of a global move to start repairing and reusing

    21st June 2018

    This social enterprise, Edinburgh’s first ‘re-use hub’, is part of a drive by Zero Waste Scotland to transform the scale and economic impact of re-use shopping in Scotland and enable more people to learn key repair skills.

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  • Landlord Applications for Evictions – Changes to Private Residential Tenancies.

    Landlord Applications for Evictions – Changes to Private Residential Tenancies.

    20th June 2018

    It has been a time of significant change in the law governing private residential tenancies in Scotland.

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  • Google: From Desktop to Mobile First

    Google: From Desktop to Mobile First

    20th June 2018

    Google is the search engine of the world. Pure and simple. So, when they announce changes in their algorithm we need to take notice.

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  • GDPR – What do Xeretec think?

    GDPR – What do Xeretec think?

    19th June 2018

    As with any new legislation, the EU-wide General Data Protection Regulation has brought with it a variety of concerns as companies work their way through the key requirements to ensure they are compliant.

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  • How much do I need to save for my retirement? – Scaling the Pensions Mountain

    How much do I need to save for my retirement? – Scaling the Pensions Mountain

    18th June 2018

    Retirement can be an expensive business. Living longer means we need more in our retirement pots to fund the lifestyle we desire in later life. So, how much harder is it to climb the ‘pension mountain’ in recent years?

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  • Why I’d like you and I to ‘Get a room’…

    Why I’d like you and I to ‘Get a room’…

    15th June 2018

    I am changing the way I work and I'd like to tell you about my new one-to-one executive coaching service, with an Acting Up twist, which I am calling Get a Room.

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  • Check-ity check yourself before you wreck your reference. Job references and negligent misstatement.

    Check-ity check yourself before you wreck your reference. Job references and negligent misstatement.

    13th June 2018

    I often ponder the value of job references that state the bare bones: - “Joe Bloggs worked for us between 2009 and 2018.

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  • Social media and the workplace – is your policy up-to-date?

    Social media and the workplace – is your policy up-to-date?

    11th June 2018

    From employees using online platforms to vent their frustrations with work to members of staff bullying colleagues over social media, stories of people losing their jobs as a result of their activities online are becoming increasingly common.

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