• Top Tips for Young Law Firms

    Top Tips for Young Law Firms

    11th June 2018

    Young and aspiring lawyers wishing to set up their own law firm will undoubtedly be full of ambition, hunger and perhaps some naivety.

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  • Turning a disposable nightmare into a circular economy dream

    Turning a disposable nightmare into a circular economy dream

    8th June 2018

    A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life.

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  • How to handle disciplinary hearings – a guide for employers

    How to handle disciplinary hearings – a guide for employers

    8th June 2018

    Ben Doherty, Partner and Head of Lindsays’ Employment team, offers guidance to employers on how to handle disciplinary hearings when employees have, or are suspected of, committing acts of misconduct.

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  • Speaking Under the Stars

    Speaking Under the Stars

    31st May 2018

    It’s not often I enter a banking hall and find myself stopping to admire the ceiling, but last Wednesday was an exception to the rule. I was in the RBS building at 36 St Andrews Square for the launch of our 50th anniversary campaign: Nobody Chooses This – looking to raise £500,000 for our 50th year (or as we like to say, ‘half a million for half a century’).

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  • IT Centric Layered Security Solution

    IT Centric Layered Security Solution

    31st May 2018

    Security solutions are one of the most vital aspects of our managed IT services. Our customers need to know their business is protected against the ever changing threat of an online attack.

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  • Why hire a graphic designer?

    Why hire a graphic designer?

    28th May 2018

    Today, it’s easier than ever for businesses to create their own marketing materials. With the vast array of technology and resources available online, you may wonder why it’s necessary to hire a graphic designer.

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  • Setting Up & Optimising Your Google My Business Page

    Setting Up & Optimising Your Google My Business Page

    28th May 2018

    Google My Business is essentially Google’s business listings. By having a Google My Business page you can show up in Google map results and grow your local business presence in your relevant area.

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  • The Big Lunch

    The Big Lunch

    21st May 2018

    As ever, there’s another big Cyrenians event with food coming up – this time at our Community Garden at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital – it’s our Big Lunch Event on June 3rd from 12.30

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  • Public Sector: The time for digital transformation is now

    Public Sector: The time for digital transformation is now

    16th May 2018

    It’s a slightly controversial statement but nevertheless true, that whilst commerce and industry advance at speed towards great digital change, the public sector in the UK is in danger of being left behind. Potentially, at great sacrifice to public health, wellbeing and economic wealth

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  • Say Hello to HRflow

    Say Hello to HRflow

    16th May 2018

    Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Member FISSS (Federation for Industry Sector Skills & Standards) brings you and exciting new employee management software called HRflow. HRflow is designed and developed with the small business in mind.

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