• Is your business guilty of these top 4 Cyber Security Mistakes?

    Is your business guilty of these top 4 Cyber Security Mistakes?

    15th May 2018

    Just as one-size-fits-all clothing does not quite ‘fit’, there isn’t a perfect one-size-fits-all cyber risk plan for businesses either. There are however, core security principles that every business should uphold. If your business has its head in the sand when it comes to cyber security, take note.

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  • What is the Circular Economy?

    What is the Circular Economy?

    14th May 2018

    The World’s resources are not limitless and we must stop our throw away culture and make resources last as long as possible.

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  • When Circumstances Take Charge in the Family Business

    When Circumstances Take Charge in the Family Business

    8th May 2018

    Running any business is not without its challenges but when circumstance takes charge, particularly in a family run business, the effects can ripple right through the business and the family in the business. Mark Bradford, an adviser with Family Business Solutions (FBS) explains more.

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  • “Nobody Chooses This”

    “Nobody Chooses This”

    4th May 2018

    The Edinburgh Evening News carried a provocative headline this week – a quote from a man called Gordon ,who says he will “die on the streets”.

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  • Stress at Work – Insight from Chris Phillips, Specialist Employment Law Partner at Thorntons

    Stress at Work – Insight from Chris Phillips, Specialist Employment Law Partner at Thorntons

    2nd May 2018

    April was National Stress Awareness month and gave us all a helpful prompt to talk about a year-round issue that has such a negative impact on business and the individuals and families it affects.

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  • Ignore These 3 SEO Issues at Your Peril!

    Ignore These 3 SEO Issues at Your Peril!

    27th April 2018

    Search engine optimisation or SEO is being utilised by businesses big and small to increase traffic and conversions onsite. The stakes are high as Google AdWords and Bing Ads are gaining more and more real estate on the search results page pushing organic listings further down.

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  • How much does a website cost?

    How much does a website cost?

    27th April 2018

    Do you want to create a website for your business? Or maybe your existing site simply doesn’t cut it anymore? Chances are, if you’re looking into getting a brand spanking new website, price has probably crossed your mind.

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  • What Do We Mean By Success?

    What Do We Mean By Success?

    20th April 2018

    Last week Cyrenians offered its view on another Government consultation, this time on the Governments National Outcomes Framework. The National Outcomes are the headline policy aims for the Scottish Government.

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  • Ayurveda and the seasons

    Ayurveda and the seasons

    20th April 2018

    Living in Edinburgh, it’s quite hard to keep up with the weather and which season we’re actually in, but the transition from Winter into Spring is the ideal time to give the body a little detox, and this will in turn help to strengthen your immune system.

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  • Papa don’t breach… (The Equality Act) Shared Parental Leave and enhanced maternity pay

    Papa don’t breach… (The Equality Act) Shared Parental Leave and enhanced maternity pay

    18th April 2018

    Shared Parental Leave (“SPL”) was one of the significant employment law developments when it was introduced back in April 2015 (can you believe these regulations are more than 3 years old already?)

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