• The Winners of our 6th Annual Business Awards

    The Winners of our 6th Annual Business Awards

    1st March 2017

    On Monday 27th February, Edinburgh’s business community came together to celebrate their achievements as part of our 6th Annual Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Business Awards. The event held at The Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa, was attended by 450 of Edinburgh’s business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators, who celebrated a hugely successful year of business growth and development across the capital.

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  • Is your workforce fit for the future?

    Is your workforce fit for the future?

    23rd February 2017

    Organisations across all sectors are experiencing a wide-range of workforce demographic challenges. As well as trying to manage the varying expectations of workers from different generations, they need to make the best use of existing talent and skills, whilst also preparing for the future.

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  • Workflow automation solutions: What are they? And do you need them?

    Workflow automation solutions: What are they? And do you need them?

    22nd February 2017

    Your multifunction printer may already print, copy, scan, and fax, but did you know that the addition of software solutions can help you to multiply your productivity and improve your company’s efficiency?

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  • Making Edinburgh a fairer City

    Making Edinburgh a fairer City

    22nd February 2017

    “A great city is one which commits to sharing success and improving the well-being and life experience of all its citizens”. This fair city approach is one of the four emerging goals highlighted in the early findings of the Edinburgh City Vision 2050. Individuals and businesses consulted would like Edinburgh to be a city without barriers to achievement and where a good quality of life is enjoyed by all.

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  • Roundtable with Cahal Dowds of Deloitte…what did we learn?

    Roundtable with Cahal Dowds of Deloitte…what did we learn?

    21st February 2017

    Last week we had the privilege of hearing from Cahal Dowds, Vice Chairman and Head of US/UK M&A Corridor at Deliotte UK at our monthly Corporate and Partner Roundtable session. Cahal has 32 years of experience in the finance industry, and he shared his expertise with members on the transatlantic flow of capital through the US/UK Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Corridor. He was supported by Aaron Faulds, Director of Advisory Corporate Finance at Deloitte.

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  • Making health and wellbeing work for your business

    Making health and wellbeing work for your business

    14th February 2017

    A total of 11.7 million working days were lost in the UK due to stress in 2015/16 (HSE, 2016). In today’s fast-paced working environment stress is the number one cause of long-term sickness absence (CIPD, 2016).

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  • We’re pleased to announce our 2017 Business Awards shortlist!

    We’re pleased to announce our 2017 Business Awards shortlist!

    13th February 2017

    We received over 130 submissions for this year’s Business Awards and our events team have been busy looking through each application, in order to pull together the shortlist for 2017! We’re thrilled to announce the following businesses have been shortlisted in each of the following categories

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  • Keynote speakers announced for 6th Annual Business Awards – learn more about them!

    Keynote speakers announced for 6th Annual Business Awards – learn more about them!

    13th February 2017

    We’re pleased to announce that Josh Littlejohn, co-founder of Social Bite, and Calum Paterson, Managing Partner for Scottish Equity Partners are the keynote speakers for this year’s awards. So who are Josh and Calum? We thought we’d tell you a little more about each of our speakers and why they represent this year’s award theme ‘Values’ so well in their approach to business.

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  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Data Era – 60 Really Useful Minutes with The Data Lab

    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Data Era – 60 Really Useful Minutes with The Data Lab

    9th February 2017

    On Wednesday morning we were hosted at The Data Lab in South College Street by Craig Patterson and his colleagues.

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  • Breakfast with Andrew Kerr – Chief Executive of the City of Edinburgh Council

    Breakfast with Andrew Kerr – Chief Executive of the City of Edinburgh Council

    1st February 2017

    On a chilly Friday morning in January, Chamber members were treated to the annual update from the CEO of the City of Edinburgh Council. This regular update has been going for some 7 years and helps members frame their year ahead as well as reflect on some of the key achievements and challenges of the previous year. This year was a forward looking presentation with updates on the City Region Deal and the City Vision that was launched in September 2016. Andrew began by reviewing the work the council had achieved through 2016, and of particular note was the introduction of Scotland’s first social stock exchange. He gave an honest account of dealing with closing 26 schools, addressing the welfare and healthcare challenges, reducing budget, shedding 1,300 staff and fully replacing the Executive Team since he took up his post.

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