• Celebrating Success Now and in the Future

    Celebrating Success Now and in the Future

    8th March 2016

    Last week saw the celebration of the Capital’s business success at the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce’s 5th annual Business Awards. In a room bursting with the city and Scotland’s best business talent, everyone was asked to consider: “what is your future?”.

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  • Responsible Business – An Affair of the Hearts

    Responsible Business – An Affair of the Hearts

    3rd March 2016

    Making sure her business runs its affairs responsibly is a priority high on the list of Ann Budge – and when your business is one of Scotland’s leading football clubs that goal becomes even more vital.

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  • Inspiring Talent – Creative and Culture

    Inspiring Talent – Creative and Culture

    11th February 2016

    “Identify career pathing opportunities from placement to internship to employment with a specific focus upon persons from primary through to higher education”.

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  • Collaborate to inspire export success

    Collaborate to inspire export success

    9th February 2016

    The importance of international trade in creating sustainable economic growth and employment is well documented and Scotland is no exception. These opportunities are embedded in government economic development strategies and as global markets become more accessible, they should feature more often in business development plans. Having ambitious targets is one thing, making it happen is another and we are still falling short in Scotland.

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  • Long Term Vision for Scotland’s Capital City

    Long Term Vision for Scotland’s Capital City

    12th January 2016

    As we look forward to 2016 and beyond we have every right to claim a leading position as a modern historic capital. One that is proud of the past and not afraid of the future. Never has our capital city had such a domestic and international reach and with this is an opportunity to build on the great success of the past to create a long term vision for Edinburgh that also acknowledges the positive impact it has on the Scottish economy.

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  • Casual conversation turns into a game changer

    Casual conversation turns into a game changer

    17th December 2015

    Hibernian was a Club born of social need and sense of community in 1875, to help to integrate Irish migrants fleeing famine in their own land and seeking a fresh start in Scotland’s Capital.

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  • Capital city has reasons to look forward with optimism

    Capital city has reasons to look forward with optimism

    15th December 2015

    As we say goodbye to a successful 2015, we have every reason to be confident of Edinburgh’s economic robustness and the efforts going into shaping and developing a truly international capital city.

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  • How to get paid faster through a professional debt recovery service

    How to get paid faster through a professional debt recovery service

    8th December 2015

    Few things are more vital to businesses than cash flow, and when deadlines are missed for work you have provided, the consequences can be serious.

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  • Dealing With Difficult People and Situations

    Dealing With Difficult People and Situations

    1st December 2015

    What for you makes a situation difficult? When is a situation something you just get on and deal with, and when do you stop, consider from multiple angles, and then procrastinate because it is difficult? Chances are any situation you diagnosed as difficult is one that involves you having to communicate with people, usually your staff or your customers.

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  • Living Wage Vital To Tackle Poverty

    Living Wage Vital To Tackle Poverty

    23rd November 2015

    One of the big challenges facing us in Edinburgh is poverty. Sounds bizarre, doesn’t it, that a city as successful and as affluent as ours should still be talking about poverty in the 21st century.

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