• BCC: Dynamic labour market a source of strength for UK economy

    BCC: Dynamic labour market a source of strength for UK economy

    15th June 2016

    In the three months to April 2016, employment rose by 55,000, and unemployment fell by 20,000

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  • BCC EU Survey: Business vote tightens as referendum campaign heads to the finish line

    BCC EU Survey: Business vote tightens as referendum campaign heads to the finish line

    12th May 2016

    Nearly 90% of the senior businesspeople polled in a major new British Chambers of Commerce survey say they are unlikely to change how they will vote before the June 23rd referendum. The BCC’s detailed findings indicate that 54.1% of businesspeople polled would vote to Remain, down from 60% in February 2016, and 37% would vote to Leave – up from 30% on the BCC’s previous survey.

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  • The British Chambers of Commerce Quarterly Economic Survey

    The British Chambers of Commerce Quarterly Economic Survey

    11th April 2016

    UK economic growth softened further in Q1 2016

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  • BCC: National Insurance Changes Will Encourage Firms to Invest in Staff

    BCC: National Insurance Changes Will Encourage Firms to Invest in Staff

    6th April 2016

    Today is the start of the new tax year and the first Common Commencement Date for 2016, which sees a number of changes come into effect, such as abolishing employer National Insurance contributions for apprentices aged under 25.

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  • BCC Budget 2016: Economic Summary

    BCC Budget 2016: Economic Summary

    17th March 2016

      HEADLINES: · OBR UK growth forecasts downgraded, as global outlook weakens and UK productivity expected to be lower. · UK’s fiscal outlook weakens, but OBR predicts a £10.4 billion budget surplus in 2019/20. · Little change to outlook for inflation and unemployment compared to the November forecast. BCC VIEW OF OBR ECONOMIC…

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  • Scottish Chamber of Commerce EU Referendum survey

    Scottish Chamber of Commerce EU Referendum survey

    27th January 2016

    We would invite you to participate in a survey Scottish Chamber is conducting in partnership with British Chambers of Commerce.

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  • BCC: PM deserves business support on EU negotiations

    BCC: PM deserves business support on EU negotiations

    10th November 2015

    As the Prime Minister sets out his opening position on renegotiating the UK’s relationship with the EU, British business will want to support his attempt to achieve a new settlement for the country. The importance of this process should not be underestimated.

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  • John Longworth speech from International Trade Conference

    John Longworth speech from International Trade Conference

    3rd November 2015

    I am constantly amazed at what these companies have achieved, often beating competition from other countries, or succeeding where others before them failed. Where companies are exporting they are doing well. Chambers themselves, of course, were set up centuries ago to promote trade, so it’s not surprising that we count…

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  • British Chambers of Commerce: Inflation will remain below target until well into 2016

    British Chambers of Commerce: Inflation will remain below target until well into 2016

    18th August 2015

    • Annual CPI inflation in July 2015 was 0.1%, up from 0% in June 2015 • A smaller fall in clothing prices on the month, compared with a year ago, was the main contributor to the rise in inflation • Falling prices for food and beverages partially offset the rise…

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  • Premature interest rates increases could derail the recovery

    Premature interest rates increases could derail the recovery

    6th August 2015

    Commentating on today’s interest rate decision announced by the Bank of England, John Longworth, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “The MPC has shown composure and sound judgement in keeping rates unchanged. “It would have been imprudent to push through a rate rise at this moment when…

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