Letter to Edinburgh MP Candidates

  • Letter to Edinburgh MP Candidates

    Letter to Edinburgh MP Candidates

    1st July 2024

    UK GENERAL ELECTION 2024 – EDINBURGH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ASKS Firstly, on behalf of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, I’d like to congratulate you on your recent selection as a candidate in the upcoming UK General Election. As you will be aware, the UK stands at a pivotal point, and…

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    14th June 2024

    Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce today welcomed two significant announcements which will impact the economic growth of Scotland’s Capital. First, that a new 8500 capacity arena has been approved for the Edinburgh Park area in the west of the city, and second, that the Forth Green Freeport has officially opened for business.…

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  • Letter to Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance

    11th April 2024

    Dear Cabinet Secretary, In response to the UK Government’s most recent budget announcement, we are writing to urge you to allocate £196 million from Scotland’s allocated Barnett consequentials, to make up the 26 per cent cut to the Affordable Housing Supply Programme included in the Scottish Government’s budget announcement in…

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  • Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Policy Update: March 2024

    9th April 2024

    Throughout March, our policy team continued to keep our members up-to-date with the latest developments that may impact their interests and operations, whilst advocating on your behalf in an effort to shape policy. Here’s a recap of the key activities from March: UK Spring Budget March saw the UK Chancellor…

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  • Spring Statement 2024

    6th March 2024

    The UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt today announced his Spring Budget 2024. In what may be his final intervention before a General Election, he announced a 2p cut to National Insurance rates, an extension to the freeze on alcohol duty, and reforms to pensions to encourage investment in UK businesses. The…

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  • Edinburgh Chamber speaks to Parliament

    9th February 2024

    Today, Jo Davidson, our Director of Policy, represented the Scottish Chambers of Commerce network at a Post Legislative Scrutiny of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 held by the Economy & Fair Work Committee at the Scottish Parliament.  Joining a panel which included the FSB and the Scottish Wholesale Association,…

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  • Scottish Government Budget 2024-25

    19th December 2023

    Shona Robison, the Deputy First Minister of Scotland and Cabinet Secretary for Finance, today set out the Scottish Government’s budget for 2024-25. Headline announcements include a freeze in the basic rate of non-domestic rates, but an additional income tax band and higher taxes for the top 5% of earners. Today’s…

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  • Scottish Budget Must Reverse Cycle of Low Growth

    15th December 2023

    The Scottish Chambers of Commerce have urged the government to use next week’s Holyrood budget to incentivise businesses, investment and job creation to break the cycle of low growth. Business leaders have also called on Holyrood ministers to prioritise non-domestic rates relief and avoid additional income tax burdens. They have…

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  • Public, Third and Business sectors meet Minister for Housing Paul McLennan to discuss Edinburgh’s Housing Emergency

    1st December 2023

    Today, key representatives from SHAPE – the Strategic Homelessness Action Partnership for Edinburgh – the City Council and the Business Community will meet Minister for Housing Paul McLennan to discuss the impact of the housing emergency on every sector in the city and how all three sectors can support the…

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  • An Introduction to Chamber Member Dorothy McKinney Ltd

    7th October 2022

    Dorothy McKinney Ltd (DML) are a team of specialist HR & Organisational Development professionals. Our focus is on “Creating Environments where People and Teams Thrive.” “Resolve” We enable organisations to identify, resolve and recover from challenging situations via: Workplace Investigations Neutral Assessments – see What We Do – Dorothy McKinney…

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