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Communities in Wester Hailes and North Edinburgh Clean up Over 125 Bags of Waste

Posted: 31st October 2022

Local volunteers, housing associations and teams from the Council’s Housing, Parks and Greenspace, Waste and Cleansing departments came together for a community clean up in Wester Hailes and north Edinburgh over the last fortnight.

Together they collected over 125 bags of rubbish bags of rubbish, 13 van loads of waste and dumped items and seven skips during their big clean. Greenery was cut back, 200 bulbs were planted, and the Union Canal towpath near Wester Hailes was cleaned with the help of young people from St Augustine’s RC High School. They were also joined by local police officers and supported by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Many of the items collected had been illegally dumped by flytippers.

During the clean-up teams also removed dumped items in stairwells which could have been a fire risk and gave local residents advice on the best ways to dispose of their unwanted items.

The weeks of action follow the success of a similar event in Craigmillar earlier this year.

Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convenor Councillor Jane Meagher said:

“So many community groups, organisations and local volunteers were involved in the Wester Hailes and North Edinburgh clean ups, and they’ve done a tremendous job. The before and after results are clear to see and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part.

“Council officers work hard all year round to keep common areas and green spaces clean and tidy but clean ups are a great way for communities and partners to come together to tackle issues with litter and flytipping.

“Wester Hailes and Pennywell are both areas that we have prioritised for capital investment over many years. It’s great to see so many new, modern affordable homes built alongside schools, health centres, shops, and green spaces that people can enjoy as part of our 20-minute neighbourhood strategy.

“These events are being coordinated by Places for People, Prospect Community Housing, and the Council’s housing operations team, supported by officers from waste and cleansing and parks and greenspace. We also thank our commercial partners Mitie, GasCall, Robertson Homes, ISS, Belac, ID Verde and Premier One for their important role in supporting these initiatives.”

Business Comment

Business Comment is the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce’s bi-monthly magazine. It provides insight on Edinburgh’s vibrant business community, with features on the city’s key sectors, interviews with leading figures and news on new business developments in the capital.
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