
We all recognise that we need to look after our environment and that climate change is a real problem for us and future generations. We all need to reduce our carbon footprint. As a business this can start with:

  • Pinpoint your company processes and procedures which can be better for the environment. For example would you consider recycling paper and packaging?
  • Communicate and educate your team to your new environmentally friendly ethos.
  • Implement your new processes and ensure your team maintain these systems.
  • Work with suppliers who buy into your environmentally friendly ethos. For example when producing your marketing materials could you use an environmentally friendly printer?
  • Would you consider recycling? Companies now offer to recycle your print cartridges for you, which not only help the environment but can also reduce your costs.
  • Looking after the environment can help your bottom line. There is a number of initiatives which are more efficient and can save you money on your utilities. Not only are there vouchers from the Government available, many options could also reduce your utilities bills.
  • You can also look at reducing your emissions – the next meeting you go to would consider walking or taking the bus? Or can you implement car sharing as an option for you and your staff to travel to work?

The business benefits of looking after the environment can help:

  • Reduce waste
  • Reduce your costs
  • Supporting the environment can improve staff morale
  • Increased brand value and USP
  • Increased sales and customer loyalty
  • Potential tax and legal savings

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