Standard Life Aberdeen

Standard Life Aberdeen plc was formed in August 2017 from the merger of two leading financial services companies: Standard Life plc and Aberdeen Asset Management PLC. Headquartered in Scotland, we have employees in 50 locations worldwide.

Our purpose is to invest for a better future. We do it to make a difference – to the lives of our clients and customers, our people and our shareholders. To achieve our purpose, we aim to build a world-class investment company.

We have a commitment to excellence in everything we do – supported by innovation and collaboration from our talented people. This means delivering investment solutions to help clients achieve their long-term goals. Creating a culture of inclusion and respect. And building beneficial relationships with all of our stakeholders.


It also means operating ethically, encouraging good practices among companies we invest in, and providing support and expertise for the long-term benefit of the communities in which we operate.

For more information, please visit the Standard Life Aberdeen website: