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QMU runs free event to support inclusive practices in organisations

Posted: 24th March 2025

The often polarising debate of inclusivity will be the hot topic for discussion at a free event to be held at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.

As part of the University’s work in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, the Queen Margaret Business School will host a free symposium to look at the role and impact of inclusive practices in a range of different organisational settings.

The University is keen to open up this sensitive topic for debate in order to assist organisations in dealing with some of the issues around inclusion and to identify good solutions that will support recruitment practices; develop a healthy, happy workforce; and assist with positive organisational development.

Thomas Peschken-Holt, Head of the Queen Margaret Business School, explained: “In recent years, there has been a growing and more pronounced questioning of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) agenda, as well as the role and appropriateness of inclusive practices. These can be complex areas for organisations to navigate and respond to appropriately.

“Queen Margaret University is keen to shine a light on this sensitive topic and open up the conversation across a range of diverse organisations and individuals. We will look beyond the often divisive headlines by exploring the underlying assumptions and practical implications of inclusive practices within organisational settings, aiming to challenge traditional viewpoints to provide audiences with a deeper, more informed, understanding. We hope this will be helpful in creating a positive outlook and direction, so that organisations can move forward with confidence in the development and actioning of their inclusive policies and practices.”

This event promises to provide enlightening and helpful perspectives on inclusivity from a diverse range of panel members from across Scotland. Thomas Peschken-Holt will lead the panel discussion with contributions from the Director of Policy at the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, Jo Davidson; the Chief Executive Officer of Knowledge Bridge, Irene Mosota; the Chief Executive of Sight Scotland, Craig Spalding; and doctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh, Jiawen Li.

‘Inclusion – A Distracting Liability or A Diverse Organisational Asset?’ is particularly relevant to business leaders, human resource professionals, academics, students, and anyone interested in the role of inclusivity in contemporary organisations.

Open to the public, this free symposium will take place at Queen Margaret University on Thursday 10 April (room 2156). Registration – 4:45pm, with main event running from 5pm to 6pm.

For information and registration details, view the Eventbrite.

Business Comment

Business Comment is the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce’s bi-monthly magazine. It provides insight on Edinburgh’s vibrant business community, with features on the city’s key sectors, interviews with leading figures and news on new business developments in the capital.
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