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Scotland Property Investment Conference 2019

Posted: 19th February 2019

Scotland Property Investment Conference 2019

Holiday Inn Edinburgh City West

Saturday 9th March 2019

The conference is a full day of inspirational learning on a range of property investment strategies and related subjects from the experts.

About this Event

In the conference, You will learn insights into the major property investment strategies like Rental Properties, House with Multiple Occupants (HMO), Holiday Lets, Commercial to Residential Conversions projects. Also, you will learn property tax and property investment financing from the experts.

Limited tickets left, selling quickly. Please book your place through the following link

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What you will learn in each session?


Speaker: Charlie Inness – Property Investment Manager

– Am overview of Brexit and its effect on the UK wide market and at a regional level

– What Brexit mean for the Scottish market and possible long-term effects

– What opportunities do exists and possible strategies for the future


Speaker: Taimur Malik – Holiday Lets

– The Key benefits of investing in the Scottish Holiday-Let market

– Key factors to consider when investing in a Holiday-Let market

– Common challenges in Holiday Let Investments

– The future of Holiday-lets/Short-term lets in Scotland


Speaker: Phil McLean, Andrew Marshall – Holiday Let – Planning Consultants

–    The planning process can appear complex and daunting, especially in newly emerging markets such as holiday letting, which does not neatly fit into the existing system.

–    We will provide clarity over planning issues associated with holiday letting including potential future legislative changes.

– We will offer guidance on navigating the system and tips on how to ensure holiday letting investments benefit from secure planning status.


Speaker: John Davidson – HMO Expert

–    Why HMOs given all the legislation around them

–    Understand the principals & rules of HMO

–    The four main types of tenants that let HMO

–    How to identify a suitable HMO property

–    HMO Application process to get a successful grant of license

–    Understanding the important aspects of management


Speaker: Patrick Brannock – Commercial Property Conversion Expert

–    Why invest in commercial property investment?

–    How to grow your commercial property portfolio quicker?

–    How to assess/evaluate commercial property?

–    How to find commercial tenants?


Speaker: Alison Hunter – Commercial Finance Broker

– A greater understanding of aspects of commercial funding and the market.

– What to think about when looking for funding.

– How to assess a potential project from a lenders point of view.

– The future of commercial funding


Speaker: Nigel Wigglesworth – Senior Tax Advisor

–    A review of current hot topics, which all property investors should know.

–    A review of the new restrictions on tax relief for mortgage interest, and planning for this.

–    Learn the tax benefits of furnished holiday letting business which will include capital allowances, common pitfalls about VAT and LBTT to be aware of, and the possibility of reclaims.





Business Comment

Business Comment is the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce’s bi-monthly magazine. It provides insight on Edinburgh’s vibrant business community, with features on the city’s key sectors, interviews with leading figures and news on new business developments in the capital.
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