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We interviewed Fiona Burton, Club Executive of AND Digital’s newly opened second Club in Edinburgh, Club Grace, to find out why she changed her advertising career for tech

Posted: 25th August 2022

Why did you change careers from advertising to tech?

I loved my 17-year advertising career. The work is strategically and creatively challenging. Ultimately, advertising is all about behaviour change – whether asking people to slow down on Scotland’s roads or nudging people to pick up that extra piece of fruit (or can of soda).  Throughout my time I’ve been lucky to work with talented teams of people creating impactful work that I’m really proud of.

I reached a natural point in my career – and in life – where the time felt right to change sectors. I like to learn and I’m always looking for ways to up-skill.

I’m inspired by the tech industry – it’s one of the fastest growing, diverse and inclusive sectors – and when I came across the role at AND Digital, its culture, values and aspirations felt very aligned to my own.

What transferable skills will you use in your new role?

My skills gained throughout my career and my previous Board position at The Leith Agency, are all transferable to my new role as Club Executive of Club Grace.

I enjoy helping people expand their skill set and grow in confidence which builds trust, support and a happy team where everyone is performing well together.  I’m experienced in leading clients, have strong commercial awareness and a proven track record in financial management.

I’ve always found it beneficial to be part of a community of industry peers where we’re learning and growing from each other.  I was actively involved with my marketing peers where I was Chair of Marketing Society Scotland – responsible for promoting Scotland as a vibrant, innovative and creative place to live and work.  I’m looking forward to working closely with my peers in Scotland’s tech industry.

In essence, the sectors are not dissimilar. I’m still solving client’s problems with innovative solutions to help transform their business or organisation.

What appeals about tech, why now, why AND Digital?

Tech is growing and advancing at such a rapid pace.  Although tech has become ever-present in our everyday lives, in the last two years throughout the pandemic it had a ‘real world’ impact where technologists played a vital role in keeping us connected, entertained, and safe in times of turmoil.

Tech has demonstrated its true power when driven by people who are equipped with real purpose and intent and that’s what attracted me to AND Digital.  Its mission is to close the digital skills gap in Scotland, and across the world.

To achieve this, AND Digital invests time and money into creating a diverse and inclusive company culture, creating a positive environment for its people to grow, personally as well as professionally.  It’s these ingredients that AND Digital applies in its approach with clients – and I want to be a part of it.

Why does AND Digital value people with different career backgrounds?

AND Digital believes tech is all about the people and that’s why it encourages people from different backgrounds into its business.  This creates a balanced work environment of diverse thinkers who process, problem-solve, share, learn, and form new ideas in very different ways.

We work to help clients accelerate their digital delivery and support them in building their in-house capabilities.  This involves building digital products for end-users from all walks of life.

By having a diverse team of people working on projects, it helps us reflect back our approach to clients in a rich and meaningful way.  It also makes it a much more interesting and fun place to work.

How does AND Digital onboard and develop its people?

AND Digital is looking for people from different backgrounds and levels of experience who are passionate about growing and finding new ways to create solutions.

I’ve recently completed my week-long ANDuction – which everyone receives upon joining – where I’ve been introduced to the culture, ways of working, values and organisational structure.  Depending on the nature of the role, new-starts complete a further 2-week ANDbootcamp to gain technical insight into Agile ways of working.

Our Academy team then guides our ongoing development needs. We have 13 upskilling and innovation days each year to support our career progression, and personal growth.

It’s exciting to be part of a company with an embedded people-first culture and a radar for ‘what’s next’.  This is not lip service. This is an ethos backed up by reviews from our ANDis (our people). It’s a pretty special place to work and I’m excited to drive the new Edinburgh Club forward.

Business Comment

Business Comment is the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce’s bi-monthly magazine. It provides insight on Edinburgh’s vibrant business community, with features on the city’s key sectors, interviews with leading figures and news on new business developments in the capital.
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